Correction: Last paragraph should read:
... Do you think an authorization server could implement
application-specific passwords, passing it off as the "resource owner
credentials" grant type...
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Gregory Prisament
> Thanks for the link, that
> In this, the app gives the user a short code that they enter into a URL, do
> the authorization there, and get a short code back. It's effectively the
> same as the auth code flow, but it does the dance without HTTP redirects.
> -- Justin
I am developing a REST API and trying to follow the OAuth 2.0 protocol
for authentication, and have a few questions for you good folks.
The use case I'm interested in is native applications (such as linux
command-line programs) that are unable or unwilling to involve a
user-agent. In this