Is it really going to be practical to batch issue claims, and have the
holder randomly choose between them on presentation?
As an implementer, what is the right number of claims to be in a batch?
This section of the draft reads as a hack to add a new capability
(unlinkability) to a mechanism that
Hey Brian, Kristina, Daniel
I appreciate you have been working on this for a while, and this feedback
is last minute, and people have already working code that works with it --
so this is unlikely to be welcome feedback -- but in the spirit of wanting
what is best long term, here it is.
*Token Se
I've rewritten the introduction. Take what you want from it!
I dropped language about how the mechanism is general purpose and is easy
to use. This is not a patent application!
I submitted as a PR as requested, and am including the text below so it is
more accessible to the list.
# Introd
*About disclosures for Array Elements versus disclosures of name/value pair*
1) The draft of Annex - Ares(2024)5786783 "laying down rules for the
application of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014
of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards person
identification data and electronic attest
Resending this because I didn't see it show up in the list archive
On Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 2:00 PM Brian Campbell
> As an individual, I don't believe the additional text is necessary.
> However, as an editor committed to that same goal of pu