Re: [OAUTH-WG] Certificate-bound refresh tokens and certificate expiration handling in case of the confidential clients

2022-08-24 Thread Aaron Parecki
The consent is typically associated with the user and client_id pair, the authorization code is just a temporary artifact used for the client to obtain a token regardless of consent. Whether a client_id is used for a large number of instances of a client is up to a particular deployment and is not

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Certificate-bound refresh tokens and certificate expiration handling in case of the confidential clients

2022-08-24 Thread Jaimandeep Singh
Hi Torsten, 1. You are right that consent can be preserved at the AS. The concern here is what happens when the refresh token expires? Do we again go back to the user and ask for consent or is there some way for the AS to bind the client with the consent that has already been given? As I understand

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Certificate-bound refresh tokens and certificate expiration handling in case of the confidential clients

2022-08-24 Thread Torsten Lodderstedt
Hi, the consent is not bound to the code. As you correctly pointed out, the code is a temporary artifact. It’s purpose is to bridge insecure frontchannel communication to more secure backchannel communication. You don’t need to preserve the code in order to preserve the consent. The code is me