Thanks Vittorio for the thorough response!
I agree that how scopes are handled is very different across
deployments. Scopes used for an RP with a mobile app (e.g. something
like OpenTable) are going to be very different than a multi-tenant
enterprise system with fixed services and roles that a
Sent from Samsung tablet.Rachel is not going to be able to make a difference
between being in detox program has been on used to make it an excellent way to
get out of the house ___
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Le lun. 30 mars 2020 à 18:41, a écrit :
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Thanks Annabelle and George! I am consolidating replies to both your latest
comments in this mail. This seems a hard rock to lift, but it also seems to be
the last one 😊.
The TL;DR is, I am not completely opposed to relaxing the constraints and
turning them into security considerations, but I