Howdy folks-- Since UMA2 concepts and flows have been coming up here from
time to time related to ongoing discussions and drafts, and there's an
increasing number of implementers[1], the UMA group at Kantara decided to
contribute the specs (known colloquially as "UMA Grant"[2] and "UMA
Federated Au
I am for keeping it simple and not introducing another link to follow.
I sometimes wonder how many of the spec authors are actually developers -
these suggestions make software unnecessary complex ;)
On 13. February 2019 at 12:25:13, Filip Skokan ( wrote:
> Additionally, a metadata document that omits token_endpoint in favor of
> mtls_endpoints since only mTLS is supported would violate 8414, as 8414
> says token_endpoint “is REQUIRED unless only the implicit grant type is
> supported.”
mtls only AS doesn't get anything out of using mtls_