Re: [OAUTH-WG] URGENT: WPAD attack exposes URL contents even overHTTPS

2016-07-26 Thread
+1 I also think PKCE is currently the simplest way to protect OAuth clients from injection. Sent by MailWise – See your emails as clean, short chats. Originalnachricht Betreff: Re: [OAUTH-WG] URGENT: WPAD attack exposes URL contents even overHTTPS Von: William Denniss An:

Re: [OAUTH-WG] URGENT: WPAD attack exposes URL contents even overHTTPS

2016-07-26 Thread ve7jtb
PS Using PKCE S256 would prevent this attack on web server clients, as long as the client uses a different PKCE vale for each request.Even if the attacker can observe both the request and response, they would not have the code_verifyer and if replaying the code to the client the client wil

Re: [OAUTH-WG] URGENT: WPAD attack exposes URL contents even over HTTPS

2016-07-26 Thread ve7jtb
I need to think about it a bit, however off the top of my head based on the attack described the code flow should still be safe if the code is truly single use. (Some implementations fudge that) If the attacker can stop the browser from delivering the code to the client then the client would

[OAUTH-WG] URGENT: WPAD attack exposes URL contents even over HTTPS

2016-07-26 Thread Dick Hardt Access tokens included as a URL query parameter when accessing a resource are susceptible to this attack. Authorization codes are also visible. From what I know, we have not depended on

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC6749 (4749)

2016-07-26 Thread Jim Manico
Please forgive me if this comment is out of order or inappropriate in any way... ...but why is HTTP Basic even being discussed in 2016? It has horrific security properties at multiple levels; shouldn't we at least move to HTTP Digest if not something stronger? Regards. -- Jim Manico @Manicode

[OAUTH-WG] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC6749 (4749)

2016-07-26 Thread RFC Errata System
The following errata report has been submitted for RFC6749, "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework". -- You may review the report below and at: -- Type: Technical