in addition to what Phil said let me provide you with two references:
* Article about user authentication and OAuth:
* OpenID Connect specification as a way to do what you seem to be
looking for:
On 04/09/
Hi Brian,
In general, OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework; as such it doesn't
directly describe authentication claims like "who is the current user?" or
"what is this user's e-mail address". OAuth 2.0 can be used as the basis
for authentication protocols like OpenID Connect [1], which you may
This has been a long standing issue. OAuth is an authorization protocol and not
an authentication protocol.
You might want to look at OpenID Connect for an OAuth profile that addresses
your case.
> On Apr 9, 2015, at 10:35, Brian Hurt wrote:
> This is probably the wrong place to
This is probably the wrong place to ask this question- if so, I apologize.
But I'm trying to figure out how to get a username given only an access id
(and client id, etc.) in oauth2. Is this possible, and if so, how?
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