Re: [OAUTH-WG] Working Group Last Call on "Symmetric Proof of Possession for the OAuth Authorization Code Grant"

2014-08-27 Thread Nat Sakimura
+1 =nat via iPhone Aug 28, 2014 6:27、Brian Campbell のメッセージ: > There was a previous discussion > ( and other > messages in the thread) about lengths where the general consensus seemed to > be that the length restriction should b

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Working Group Last Call on "Symmetric Proof of Possession for the OAuth Authorization Code Grant"

2014-08-27 Thread Brian Campbell
There was a previous discussion ( and other messages in the thread) about lengths where the general consensus seemed to be that the length restriction should be on both the code_verifier and the code_challenge parameter values. And a

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Working Group Last Call on "Symmetric Proof of Possession for the OAuth Authorization Code Grant"

2014-08-27 Thread Anthony Nadalin
Not all of us look at individual drafts, and thus I have not previously read this, but I did this morning and find that there are issues with the way the "code challenge" is specified as this requires pre negation of what/how that value was achieved and a large scale deployment that is almost im

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Working Group Last Call on "Symmetric Proof of Possession for the OAuth Authorization Code Grant"

2014-08-27 Thread John Bradley
OK that explains it. You are basically giving the authors and reviewers a hurry up as it is security related. Nat and I will give it a higher priority then. Nat and I would like feedback on it quickly then. As you point out it is not a complex extension and has been deployed in a number of c

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Working Group Last Call on "Symmetric Proof of Possession for the OAuth Authorization Code Grant"

2014-08-27 Thread Hannes Tschofenig
Based on the reaction from a few I thought I should add a few words about this working group last call. There is no requirement to wait a specific timeframe after a document became a WG item to issue a working group last call. In this specific case, the document was around for a while and I didn'