Yes they are all under OSIS IPR rules.
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> On Oct 9, 2013, at 9:14 PM, Prateek Mishra wrote:
> Thats a good suggestion; it looks the tests are all listed under
> Is there an IP regime under which they have been
Yes, these interop tests are being conducted under the auspices of OSIS, which
is a working group of Identity Commons. You can read about OSIS at In particularly note this section:
What the OSIS Interops Are and Are Not
The OSIS Interops provide an opp
Thats a good suggestion; it looks the tests are all listed under
Is there an IP regime under which they have been published? I suppose
all materials would follow OSIS rules in general.
- prateek
FYI, the implementations participating
From many conversations that I've had with people over the past few
years, it's been clear to me that there's a significant amount of
confusion about the state of interoperability in OAuth. All notions of
profiles and deployments aside, I believe that many people have
different ideas about *wha