Re: [OAUTH-WG] Agenda for Atlanta Meeting

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Jones
One thing I'd like us to explicitly consider is to take JWT and the JWT Assertion Profile to working group last call. That would make particular sense if the JOSE WG also takes the JOSE specs to WGLC at the same time, which I'm asking them to consider doing in Atlanta.

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Resource owner initiated OAuth delegation

2012-10-24 Thread Igor Faynberg
Thanks, Eve! Igor On 10/23/2012 7:36 PM, Eve Maler wrote: Hi Igor-- If you mean enabling (um) Grandma Goldie to delegate child pickup duties to Tom the Taxi Driver after having been herself delegated to pick up the child by Peter Parent, then -- as long as we're focusing on policy-based claim