I wanted to let people know who may not have seen the announcement, that
Microsoft's Access Control Service (ACS) deployed OAuth 2.0 Draft 10 last month
using the Web Server and Autonomous profiles. You can view the announcement at:
So not sure that this would be handled by the SWD itself but as pointed out in
the SWD specification is that the SWD may be accompanied by an authorization
header and this is where I would expect that to happen
-Original Message-
From: openid-specs-connect-boun...@lists.openid.net
>There is a document in the draft repository that talks about use cases,
>namely http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-zeltsan-oauth-use-cases/
>But it had never gotten a lot of attention on the list. (I don't know
Actually, there is a good news here: We've got 13 queries on
In the case where the user logs in to a RP with a PPID type identifier.
How could the person then allow the RP to discover their service endpoints.
Also conversely would publishing the endpoint provide a way for the RP to
correlate the user without permission.
One common practice for openID PP
Hi Hannes,
Regarding UMA's "security use cases", indeed we haven't been producing formal
use cases in a form that readily maps to what this group is looking for.
However, I've reproduced below the comments I sent you privately on your OAuth
signature thoughts doc (too late for your IETF submis
Sampo, can you give a usecase of how you would use the pairwise
-Original Message-
From: openid-specs-ab-boun...@lists.openid.net
[mailto:openid-specs-ab-boun...@lists.openid.net] On Behalf Of sa...@zxidp.org
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 6:40 PM
To: Mike Jones
Cc: sa...@zxidp.org; open
Hey Tim,
Earlier this year we had discussions around use cases but they did not lead
to more insight.
There is a document in the draft repository that talks about use cases,
But it had never gotten a lot of attention on the