terrymanu closed issue #2224: 2.0.4.REVISED-SNAPSHOT迁移到3.x
URL: https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob/issues/2224
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linghengqian commented on issue #2224:
- I plan to break forward compatibility at
https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob/pull/2431 . You need to
redeploy ElasticJob and Zookeeper Serve
linghengqian commented on issue #2224:
> 问题一.大版本迁移需要注意什么?比如我的jdk1.6 spring 3.x 是否需要整体都升级
- I don't know what version 2.0.4.REVISED-SNAPSHOT is. But since there will
obviously be no commits ba