[nexa] GIG-ARTS 2024 - Deadline Extension and Keynote Speakers

2024-01-29 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, In response to requests, we are happy to extend the deadline for abstract submission to GIG-ARTS 2024, taking place in The Hague, Netherlands on 3-4 June 2024. *New deadline: 9 February 2024.* We are also glad to announce keynote addresses by *Anriette Esterhuysen* (former Execu

[nexa] GIG-ARTS 2024 Programme is out!

2024-04-25 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, We are delighted to unveil the programme of the eighth GIG-ARTS Conference, to be held at the Hague campus of Leiden University on 3-4 June 2024. This year’s conference, entitled ‘Thirty Years of Multilateralism in Internet Governance: Assessments and Perspectives’, promises in-de

[nexa] CfA Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance (SWING)

2024-07-18 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that the Call for Applications for the Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance (SWING) 2025 is now open. SWING is a Winter School on Internet Governance designed to provide an advanced educational pathway for graduate students, early researchers, I

[nexa] Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance: Deadline Approaching

2024-08-27 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear Colleagues, The Call for Applications for the Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance (SWING) 2025 is going to expire on the 13th of September (at 12:00 CET). SWING is a Winter School on Internet Governance designed to provide an advanced educational pathway for graduate students, early

Re: [nexa] Dichiarazione europea sui diritti e i principi digitali per il decennio digitale":

2022-12-17 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Si, Alessandro, ci sono altri documenti simili. Qui ne abbiamo raccolti, e codificati, più di 200: https://digitalconstitutionalism.org/database/?showAll=1 Mauro Santaniello (PhD) *Assistant Professor, Internet Governance and Digital PolicyDirector, Internet & Communication Policy Centre (ICPC)*

[nexa] Featured Sessions and CfP REMINDER - GIG-ARTS 2023: "The Governance of Cybersecurity: Resilience, Human Rights and Democracy" 15-16 May, Padova

2023-02-07 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, We hope this message finds you well. With the reminder that only 3 weeks are remaining for submission of your abstracts (*deadline: 26 February 2023*), GIG-ARTS 2023 Organizing Committee is glad to pre-announce 4 exciting featured sessions for this Padova edition. We are delighte

[nexa] GIG-ARTS 2023: preliminary programme

2023-04-29 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, the preliminary programme of GIG-ARTS 2023 (15-16 May 2023, Padova) is online: https://www-npa.lip6.fr/gig-arts/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2023/04/GIG-ARTS-2023-PrelimProg.pdf Abstracts of presentations can be accessed here: https://www-npa.lip6.fr/gig-arts/conference/gig-arts20

[nexa] CfP Rivista di Digital Politics: Open Access

2023-05-20 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Gentili colleghi, segnalo un call for paper della Rivista di Digital Politics (Il Mulino) sui temi dell'open access. Il nuovo numero della rivista si propone di esplorare, tra gli altri, i seguenti aspetti: *Open source e tecnologie emergenti*, con un focus su Generative AI (e.g., OpenAi ChatGPT

[nexa] Jobs - Predoctoral Researchers on Digital Sovereignty in Salerno

2023-11-30 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, At the Department of Business, Management and Information Systems (DISA-MIS) of the University of Salerno (Italy) we are hiring* 2 research assistants* (assegno di ricerca) in the context of the PRIN 2022 project "Digital Sovereignty in Comparative Perspective: State Authority, Co

[nexa] CfP GIG-ARTS 2024: 'Thirty Years of Multistakeholderism in Internet Governance: Assessments and Prospects' 3-4 June, The Hague

2023-12-04 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, We are glad to announce that *The Eighth European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS 2024) will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, on 3-4 June 2024*. Please find hereafter the CFP for the GIG-A

[nexa] CfP GIG-ARTS 2022: "Global Internet Governance and International Human Rights - Whose Rights, Whose Interpretations?" 13-14 April, Nicosia

2021-12-16 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, Please find hereafter the CFP for the GIG-ARTS 2022 conference, which will be held on 13-14 April 2022 in Nicosia (or turned to an online event if required by the sanitary situation). The full CfP (also in PDF) is available on the conference website at: events.gig-arts.eu With apo

[nexa] CfP GIG-ARTS 2023: "The Governance of Cybersecurity: Resilience, Human Rights and Democracy" 15-16 May, Padova

2022-12-02 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, We hope this message finds you well. We are glad to announce that *The Seventh European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS 2023) will be held in Padova, Italy, on 15-16 May 2023*. Please thus find

[nexa] CfP GIG-ARTS 2025: The Rise of Digital Sovereignty: Ambiguities and Challenges, 26-27 May 2025, Salerno

2024-11-09 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear colleagues, We are glad to announce that The Ninth GIG-ARTS Conference will be held at the University of Salerno on 26-27 May 2025 *.* Please find hereafter the *Call for Papers the GIG-ARTS 2025 Conference.* Feel free to disseminate this call. Submissions are already open, we are looking for

[nexa] GIG-ARTS Salerno 2025: Deadline extended to February 7

2025-01-31 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Due to multiple requests, we are pleased to announce that the deadline for abstract submissions for the GIG-ARTS Salerno 2025 Conference has been extended to February 7, 2025, at midnight CET. We invite authors to submit extended abstracts (maximum 500 words) outlining their research question(s),

[nexa] GIG-ARTS 2025: Keynote Speakers. Submissions deadline 31 January 2025

2025-01-16 Thread Mauro SANTANIELLO via nexa
Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to announce the keynote speakers for the Ninth GIG-ARTS Conference, taking place at the *University of Salerno on 26-27 May 2025*. *Frédérick Douzet*, a leading scholar on the geopolitics of cyberspace and *Paul Timmers*, renowned expert in cybersecurity and digit