Re: [nexa] The 1960s Experiment Created Today’s Biased Police Surveillance

2022-11-12 Thread 380°
380° writes: >> ah quante cose si possono fare potendo analizzare gli algoritmi! --8<---cut here---start->8--- Weighting, in this instance, was a means to rank the severity of different

Re: [nexa] The 1960s Experiment Created Today’s Biased Police Surveillance

2022-11-12 Thread 380°
Enrico Nardelli writes: bellissimo grazie!!! a fini archivistici aggiungo qualche estratto > --8<---cut here---start->8--- Excerpted from “You Are Not Expected to Understand This”: How

[nexa] The 1960s Experiment Created Today’s Biased Police Surveillance

2022-11-11 Thread Enrico Nardelli -- sent from mobile, please forgive typos and conciseness === Prof. Enrico Nardelli Univ. Roma Tor Vergata ===___ nexa mailing list nexa@server-nexa.p