
2022-08-06 Thread pslegg
Hi, Probably one for the developers but I see that libwebp has been ported to Atari (FreeMint). ⁣Peter​___ netsurf-users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email

Re: netsurf-users Digest, Vol 180, Issue 3

2023-06-18 Thread pslegg
Is the list working again ? I haven't been able to post to it for months. ⁣Peter​ On 18 Jun 2023, 00:00, at 00:00, wrote: >Send netsurf-users mailing list submissions to > > >To subscribe or unsubscribe via email,

Atari build

2023-12-29 Thread pslegg
Hi all, I hadn't updated Netsurf on my Atari 68060@60MHz) since before January. I have always found the Atari build to be extremely slow, 5-10 minutes or more to render a page being normal and I think it's the ssl that hurts it most. So it's not greatly usable but I do use it download FreeMint

Re: Atari build

2024-01-01 Thread pslegg
Hi Vido, Thanks for confirming that it works on faster hardware.  In Netsurf I tried charging the curl parameter in the choices file to no effect. I don't have Aranym. I last tried to use it about 10 years ago, couldn't get networking to work.  Then I was told that the version on the Aranym web