After an hour of browsing with NetSurf (accessing 10-20 sites), the Log
and other files become highly bloated (Log file can be over 60 MB) which
use valuable space on the HD. I generally empty these files by going into
the !Boot etc. which has become rather a chore.
Is there an easy way of dele
Hi all
Has anyone managed successfully to display "Google Maps" on the Iyonix.
Would greatly appreciate any tips.
Best regards
Mohamed Abdullah
Mohamed Abdullah
Dept. Biology, University of Oslo
PB 1066 Blindern,
0316 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 85 45 47
> On 14 May, Paul Stwart wrote:
>> works fine here on NS r7453 on the A9home.
> And on the RiscPC.
Also using NS r7453 on Iyonix. get only some active links (5) but no
graphics or any of the furniture on the Maps page. Have retired the RiscPC
unfortunately. Similar resul
Hi all
No joy with Google Maps or with MultiMaps.
Checked the various modules as follows:
URI: v 104 OK
Tinct: v 0.13 OK
Iconv: v 0.10 (29 Nov 08) OK
Shared U Lib newest OK
However using the newest Unicode NS does not load giving the error
using earlier version of Unicode (ca. 273 KB soz