of truncated URLs could be used and 252 chars is
still a lot better than can be fitted in the NetSurf status bar, even
with very wide windows. Seems to be a minimal effort compromise.
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find some electronic music at: Rowing in Cambridge, UK? See:
ough their
interaction within CSS is better described by the specification than
HTML widths in tables, the interaction between CSS widths and HTML width
is not so well covered.
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find some electronic music at: Rowing in Cambridge, UK? See:
d up looking odd on RISC OS, since font sizes (in
particular, string widths rather than heights) often differ quite a lot
from those assumed by web developers.
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find some electronic music at: Rowing in Cambridge, UK? See:
, this is a massive win.
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find some electronic music at: Rowing in Cambridge, UK? See:
the web
site building providing a precise at-in-page-resolution copy of the
image for the page and optionally a click-through to the full resolution
version, if available and if permitted by the person who put the web
site together.
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find photos, software, music and m
;m _well_ aware that this kind of nonsense is done to
favour the corporations and not the end users.
TTFN, Andrew Hodgkinson
Find photos, software, music and more at my home site, Bandcamp and
https://pond.org.uk / https://pondnz.bandcamp.com /
quot;big watch batteries" (CR2032). It is probably flat and might be at risk
of leaking. Replace it as soon as possible, although this is a bit fiddly on an
unmodified machine - some soldering required.