I have similar settings for Netsurf on Iyonix and ARMX6 and, for example,
a UTF-8 encoded file of Cyrillic characters displays correctly on both.
But Wikipedia's nav bar language lists differ.
Having deleted RUfl_cache, Iyonix shows all correctly except Georgian
ARMX6 showed all correctly excep
In article <57f8148b3bd...@triffid.co.uk>, Dave
> In article <5e2d0df857@6.abbeypress.net>, Jim Nagel
> wrote: [Snippy]
> > Have never found a way of programming Keystroke to do this. If
> > anyone has succeeded, please export the relevant Keystroke Selection
> > file & share it.
In message <6ebd88f857.bo...@boase.myzen.co.uk>
Bernard Boase wrote:
> I have similar settings for Netsurf on Iyonix and ARMX6 and, for
> example, a UTF-8 encoded file of Cyrillic characters displays
> correctly on both. But Wikipedia's nav bar language lists differ.
> Having deleted