In article <>, Gavin Wraith
> But maybe the whole point of what you are looking for is that it acts
> automatically without the user having to start it?
Yes, I think that was Jim's desire: click on a link to a PDF on a webpage
and it opens in your default PD
Tim Hill wrote on 11 Jul:
> Yes, I think that was Jim's desire: click on a link to a PDF on a webpage
> and it opens in your default PDF viewer without the save-drag &
> double-click.
Gzackly. The extra steps are too much for the technophobic Mrs N.
She can view a Jpeg link without extra step
In article ,
Jim Nagel wrote:
> Tim Hill wrote on 11 Jul:
> > Yes, I think that was Jim's desire: click on a link to a PDF on a
> > webpage and it opens in your default PDF viewer without the save-drag
> > & double-click.
> Gzackly. The extra steps are too much for the technophobic Mrs N.