The last item delivered to me from this list was Dave Higton's, dated
Nov07 at 20:56.
I understood that the firewall block of Netsurf traffic (a "port
flooed") that had somehow come into being at my mail server had been
cleared on Nov07 at 17:31.
So have there been 0 postings to this list sinc
On 11 Nov in article <>,
Jim Nagel wrote:
> The last item delivered to me from this list was Dave Higton's, dated
> Nov07 at 20:56.
I have had 9 since then (excluding yours).
One on 7th, rest on 8th.
In article <>,
Jim Nagel wrote:
> The last item delivered to me from this list was Dave Higton's, dated
> Nov07 at 20:56.
> I understood that the firewall block of Netsurf traffic (a "port
> flooed") that had somehow come into being at my mail server had been
Thanks to those who replied by email to my earlier posting today. I
haven't received any of the Netsurf items they received in the past
few days, nor my own.
It does indeed appear that my Netsurf feed is blocked again. Thought
it was cured last week. Will take it up again with my mail host.
Funnily enuf, a handful of postings came through in the past couple of
hours, from Martin Avison, Tim Hill and myself. All dated today.
Tim Hill wrote on 11 Nov:
> I can see eight postings dated 8 Nov. Message IDs are
> <>
> <5697c374a7li...@