Re: Window position

2017-04-08 Thread Steve Fryatt
On 8 Apr, Dave Symes wrote in message <>: > In article , >Jim Nagel wrote: > > > After posting that, I thot: Adjust-doubleclick would be even nicer (all > > with one hand), if such a thing is allowed in such a situation. > > Adjust double click opens a child/

Horizontal rules in Netsurf 3.5 & 3.6

2017-04-08 Thread pjperry A little problem with the tag in Netsurf 3.5 and 3.6. I have a simple html doc. in which horizontal rules are used: This displays as expected in Netsurf 3.0 and Firefox but in Netsurf 3.5 and 3.6 it produces a full width rule. Is it me or Netsurf that has mi

Change of email

2017-04-08 Thread Geoffrey Baxendale
Hi, I am having to change my email address and can't get anywhere using the netsurf site using the "users list" unsubscribe feature. It just says no address given. Same with FF or Netsurf. Any ideas? TTFN -- Geoff. Baxendale, Darwen, Lancashire. Using Acorn StrongARM Kinetic RiscPC. Pip Pip, On

Re: Horizontal rules in Netsurf 3.5 & 3.6

2017-04-08 Thread Tim Hill
In article , wrote: > [Snip] > > This displays as expected in Netsurf 3.0 and Firefox but in Netsurf 3.5 > and 3.6 it produces a full width rule. > Is it me or Netsurf that has missed something? "width" of a rule is not one of those things that NetSurf ca