Congratulations to the NetSurf team for all the hard work it took to get to
Best wishes,
| John Williams
I think, therefore I am unsure - I think! *
On 25 Feb 2017 John Williams wrote:
> Congratulations to the NetSurf team for all the hard work it took to get to
> #4000!
Hear, hear!
Richard Porter
Skype: minijem2
I don't want a "user ex
Congratulations also from Atari user replying from Gmail using #4000 build!
I really hope Atari wont be removed from daily build as you see it
just works great!
Keep it goin doing great job!
2017-02-25 10:59 GMT+01.00, Richard Porter :
> On 25 Feb 2017 John Williams wrote:
>> Congratula