In article <>,
Harriet Bazley wrote:
> I can't seem to withdraw money to my bank account from Paypal using
> Netsurf any more (it just gives a page saying there may have been an
> error) -- is it a temporary glitch or have they introduced a JavaScripty
> depen
I run the web site for our local pub quiz league where one of the pages
has a form on which teams can submit their match scores, the information
gets to me via and Pluto. There is a difference in the
formatting of the emails submitted from Netsurf than all browsers used by
league membe
I'm having great difficulty getting map pages from
Many of the aquares don't appear, and if I refresh the page I just get
a different random selection of squares. It is very difficult to get
all nine squares of a small map at once, and virtually impossible to
get all 25 of a la
In article <>,
Brian Jordan wrote:
>There is a difference in the formatting of the emails submitted from
> Netsurf than all browsers used by league members as shown below.
A bit of checking this evening shows that the emails are formatted