The page shown at has started
throwing up a "NetSurf is running out of memory" error since at least
NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.
In fairness the file is a data file named as .html and RISC OS file
typed as HTML; it is prepared for use in a program w
In article ,
Brian Jordan wrote:
> The page shown at has started
> throwing up a "NetSurf is running out of memory" error since at
> least NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.
If the first two lines
$zonkpage 1.35
are remove
In message <>
cj wrote:
> In article ,
>Brian Jordan wrote:
>> The page shown at has started
>> throwing up a "NetSurf is running out of memory" error since at
>> least NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.
On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 01:14:07PM +0100, Brian Jordan wrote:
> This is a report on the behaviour of recent test releases of NetSurf
> showing an inconsistency with what has gone before and with mainstream
> browsers. I would have expected a complaint about the content more
> than a warning abo
In message <>
Rob Kendrick wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 01:14:07PM +0100, Brian Jordan wrote:
>> This is a report on the behaviour of recent test releases of NetSurf
>> showing an inconsistency with what has gone before and with mainstream
>> bro
NetSurf is still inclined to split words or expressions over two lines
where there is no white space or hyphen. For example this heading,
Local clothes collection service helps raise £250,000 for Air
resulted in the pound sign being displayed at the end of one line and
the figures
In article <>,
Richard Porter wrote:
> NetSurf is still inclined to split words or expressions over two
> lines where there is no white space or hyphen.
It certainly has a habit of splitting lines at a tag, where the tag
applies to only part of a continuous