On 18 May 2009 Gary Jones wrote:
> In message <3b11435c50.pnyo...@pnyoung.ormail.co.uk>
> Dr Peter Young wrote:
>> On 16 May 2009 Michael Drake wrote:
>>> In article <9a0b0a5c50.pnyo...@pnyoung.ormail.co.uk>,
>>>Dr Peter Young wrote:
Anyone going to post a bug report?
On 19 May 2009, list wrote:
> I have this problem where after maybe 5 or 6 pages on certtain site
> the pages refuse to load. Showing a countdown by seconds as it tries.
> After 60s I give up, quit NS, restart and the page loads up nicely
> within couple a seconds. BUT then the 4th or 5th page do
Hi all
No joy with Google Maps or with MultiMaps.
Checked the various modules as follows:
URI: v 104 OK
Tinct: v 0.13 OK
Iconv: v 0.10 (29 Nov 08) OK
Shared U Lib newest OK
However using the newest Unicode NS does not load giving the error
using earlier version of Unicode (ca. 273 KB soz
On 19 May, Tony Moore wrote:
> On 19 May 2009, list wrote:
> > I have this problem where after maybe 5 or 6 pages on certtain site
> > the pages refuse to load. Showing a countdown by seconds as it tries.
> > After 60s I give up, quit NS, restart and the page loads up nicely
> > within couple a s
On 19 May, Simon Smith wrote in message
> My preferred desktop font is Homerton Medium, which does not contain a glyph
> for the hollow up-arrow sometimes used to indicate Shift in application
> menus. For example, NetSurf tells me that to save a page I should p
On 19 May 2009 as I do recall,
> I have this problem where after maybe 5 or 6 pages on certtain site the
> pages refuse to load. Showing a countdown by seconds as it tries. After
> 60s I give up, quit NS, restart and the page loads up nicely within couple
> a seconds. BUT then th
In message <200905181949.06...@zamez.strcprstskrzkrk.co.uk>
James Bursa wrote:
> On Monday 18 May 2009, Simon Smith wrote:
> > My preferred desktop font is Homerton Medium, which does not contain a
> > glyph for the hollow up-arrow sometimes used to indicate Shift in
> > application men
On 20 May, Harriet Bazley wrote:
> This sounds like the old 'singletasking while fetching stylesheets'
> problem [...snip] In other words, you don't actually have to quit
> NetSurf: just sit out the three minutes
Yes that's the syndrome. I can't close the offending window to stop the