Michael Drake wrote on 14 Apr 2020:
> It looks like a problem with our Hubbub library. (The HTML5 spec
> has moved on a long way since it was written.)
Thanks for your help
>> If Netsurf is supposed to support HTML5 elements perhaps I should log this
>> as a bug on the tracker.
> Please do!
On 14/04/2020 17:18, Ewen Pring wrote:
> At least some of my problem can be seen at these 2 simplified test pages:
> https://timebus.co.uk/riscos/webtest/using-html4.htm
> https://timebus.co.uk/riscos/webtest/using-html5.htm
Those are great, thanks!
It looks like a problem with our Hubbub lib
Michael Drake wrote on 14 Apr 2020:
> They work here. What version of NetSurf are you running?
I was using the 3.9 release but following your prompt I downloaded the
test build from yesterday, 3.10 build 5057, and the problem remains.
At least some of my problem can be seen at these 2 si
On 14/04/2020 13:39, Ewen Pring wrote:
> Specifically, my web site has over 60 pages that use the HTML5 figure and
> figcaption elements to contain content (images and their captions
> alongside). Netsurf doesn't recognise these and doesn't act upon styles
> applied to them in CSS. The page ren
I'd like to make a feature request. The Netsurf documentation says to post
it on this list rather than using the bug reporting system.
The Netsurf progress page says an HTML5 parser is being in the process of
development; that's good but HTML5 has been used for 6 years now and what
seems to me