> Rajaram,
> Sounds good, but are you planning on having the plugins send separate
> notifications for additional information they have? It might be useful to
> allow the plugin to modify a notification before it's sent, if practical.
> Aaron
> On Jan 16, 2012
Hi all,
We will be implementing notifications in Quantum.
Blueprints :
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/quantum-notifications and
Briefly, this involves sending notifications about important events such as
network/port crea
Hi Brad,
I think i know what the issue is.
In the quantum.conf.test file change the last line from:
paste.app_factory = tests.unit.test_extensions:app_factory
paste.app_factory = *quantum*.tests.unit.test_extensions:app_factory
All the tests should pass now.
Why was only one test failing?
ok file.
> Cheers,
> Salvatore
> From: Rajaram Mallya [mailto:rajarammal...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 14 September 2011 17:08
> To: Salvatore Orlando
> Cc: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> Subject: Re: [Netstack] Openstack API documentation - request for
Glad to help. We can add to the documentation around the general extension
mechanism and the plugin aware behavior.
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:02 PM, Salvatore Orlando <
salvatore.orla...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> Hi Netstackers,
> ** **
> While I’m completing the operation list on the API
ils with either
> “/v0.1/extensions/tenants/tenantuser/portprofiles” or
> “/v0.1/extensions/portprofiles”. As we set up parent_resources “tenants” in
> portprofile extension, I assume the first URI should be the one we used to
> access portprofile resources. Did I miss something here?
service. At that time, we deploy new controllers.
>> Currently, we use this approach to add extended REST services for our
>> plug-ins. We will check in code these two days into our branch and will
>> send a separate email for community’s review. If you have any questions,
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