On 09/10/2020 0:47, Sagi Grimberg wrote:
>> + * tcp_ddp.h
>> + * Author: Boris Pismenny
>> + * Copyright (C) 2020 Mellanox Technologies.
>> + */
>> +#ifndef _TCP_DDP_H
>> +#define _TCP_DDP_H
>> +
>> +#include
> Why is blkdev.h needed?
That's a lefotover from a previous iteration over this c
+ * tcp_ddp.h
+ * Author: Boris Pismenny
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Mellanox Technologies.
+ */
+#ifndef _TCP_DDP_H
+#define _TCP_DDP_H
Why is blkdev.h needed?
+/* limits returned by the offload driver, zero means don't care */
+struct tc
This commit introduces direct data placement offload for TCP.
This capability is accompanied by new net_device operations that
hardware contexts. There is a context per socket, and a context per DDP
opreation. Additionally, a resynchronization routine is used to assist
hardware handle TCP