Em Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 11:31:53AM +, Gerrit Renker escreveu:
> | >
> | > distcc[24516] ERROR: compile
> /root/.ccache/packet_his.tmp.aspire.home.net.24512.i on _tiptop failed
> | > /usr/src/davem-2.6/net/dccp/ccids/lib/packet_history.c: In function
> '__one_after_loss':
> | > /usr/src
| >
| > distcc[24516] ERROR: compile
/root/.ccache/packet_his.tmp.aspire.home.net.24512.i on _tiptop failed
| > /usr/src/davem-2.6/net/dccp/ccids/lib/packet_history.c: In function
| > /usr/src/davem-2.6/net/dccp/ccids/lib/packet_history.c:266: error: lvalue
required as
Em Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 10:06:25AM +, Gerrit Renker escreveu:
> This moves the inlines (which were previously declared as macros) back into
> packet_history.h since
> the loss detection code needs to be able to read entries from the RX history
> in order to create the
> relevant loss entries:
This moves the inlines (which were previously declared as macros) back into
packet_history.h since
the loss detection code needs to be able to read entries from the RX history in
order to create the
relevant loss entries: it needs at least tfrc_rx_hist_loss_prev() and
tfrc_rx_hist_last_rcv(), wh