ISPs/Carriers in LATA 138

2015-08-03 Thread kb3ien+nanog
I'm looking for a solution to provide one-weekend per year access in a rural area 20 km outside Binghamton NY, LATA 138 Can anyone provide any recomendations? Robin kb3ien

Re: On the subject of multihoming

2008-11-06 Thread kb3ien+nanog
Yes bgp multihop is a GREAT* way to figure out if a cablemodem** is even /really/ online. Alas, I've not see much on the traffic engineering side either. * Read "the only way i've found to do this with cisco's ios" ** or any other pipe for that matter. On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Charles Wyble wro

[no subject]

2009-02-19 Thread kb3ien+nanog
protect users from victimisation by the likes of this : For years (decades?) I've been DNS hijacking to criple worm ridden machines associating with my wifi nodes etc. That only deals with a few threats. I'd like to feel confident in us