Re: Most peered AS per country

2018-11-28 Thread alessandro . improta
data incompleteness) just drop me a mail! Best regards, Alessandro Improta IIT-CNR - Isolario project ( Il 2018-11-28 12:34 Baldur Norddahl ha scritto: The number of peers appears to be unreliable. My network is listed with 14 peers but the actual number is much higher. Re

Re: Most peered AS per country

2018-11-28 Thread alessandro . improta
thers WISP [10] [11] [12] - FROM: "alessandro improta" TO: "Baldur Norddahl" CC: SENT: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 6:56:25 AM SUBJECT: Re: Most peered AS per country Hello Baldur, if I'm not wrong, CAIDA are using Route

Re: historical Bogon lists

2018-12-19 Thread alessandro . improta
evolution of bogons via update collections in MRT files. The result is something like this but containing only bogon information. We did it for our studies last months, so I'd be more than happy to help if you decide to follow this path! Alessandro Improta II

Re: historical Bogon lists

2018-12-19 Thread alessandro . improta
Yes, we got data from Jan 1st, 2018 to Oct 10th, 2018. Happy to share as long as Team Cymru’s is ok with it too! Ale Il 2018-12-19 16:35 M. Omer GOLGELI ha scritto: I think Alessandro Isolario Project may be of help completing the missing data where you fell short. M. --- On 2018-12-19 18:

Re: Alternatives to bgpmon?

2017-04-03 Thread alessandro . improta
Hi all, it sounds like you may be interested in the project we are carrying on here in my research institute here in Pisa (Isolario project, The project is totally free of charge and we just require you to open one (or more) full route (v4/v6) BGP session(s) towards our ro

Re: Reliability of looking glass sites / rviews

2017-09-20 Thread alessandro . improta
Hello Matthew, I think you may be interested in Isolario ( It's a route collector which offer real-time analyses in change of full routing tables. Let me know if you want more details about that! Best regards, Alessandro Il 2017-09-13 11:30 Matthew Huff ha scritto: This week