Re: 10G CPE w/VXLAN - vendors?

2023-06-14 Thread Yan Filyurin
There may be a few more places to go searching. I am not saying you will find anything, but worth looking into, assuming Mikrotik won't help. :) Check out what various SD-WAN vendors have to offer. Now, SD-WAN has about 46 definitions, as many as vendors (surviving vendors that is), but undernea

Re: JunOS config yacc grammar?

2023-08-24 Thread Yan Filyurin
It may have been covered already, but another place to look is at code for Batfish Its goal. and there are even podcast episodes that cover it:

Re: Graphical databases ?

2019-10-11 Thread Yan Filyurin
I am also in the process of consideration, but there are people out there who did a lot more more. Some ideas could be borrowed. And the use of RFC8345 is very interesting because it is hopefully an evolving stand

Re: Viability of GNS3 network simulation for testing features/configurations.

2019-10-16 Thread Yan Filyurin
This also depends on your scale. If you have lots of routers, you would end up with lots of compute to run the VM instances. If you get the compute (which is cheap comparing to actual network hardware), you would need a "cloud orchestration” tool and a a system to connections from host to host

Re: End to End testing

2019-12-12 Thread Yan Filyurin
I had relatively little experience, but this may fit the requirement. There two other vendors that make something similar. Also th

Anyone from OpenAI?

2023-10-02 Thread Yan Filyurin
Is there anyone from OpenAI on this list who could reach out to me? This has to do with OpenAI access. Thank you! Yan Filyurin Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Re: Ingress filtering from an external cloud service to the internal network

2017-05-05 Thread Yan Filyurin
Since you can't change the design you may not be able to put some kind of overlay solution in place, which is just a fancy way of saying a VPN solution. What if you look at it in a different way and put some kind of endpoint security cloud solution like Illumio. But if you at least had the freedo

Re: Ingress filtering from an external cloud service to the internal network

2017-05-05 Thread Yan Filyurin
I just read an article about these people. They are even more interesting than Illumio or these other VPN solutions. The important part is that you get to stitch tunnels together on some other host, so the changing IP of endpoints is irrelevant. On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 11:13

Re: TE offline tools

2014-11-06 Thread Yan Filyurin
And Open Source tool called TOTEM (Toolbox of Traffic Engineering Methods) exists. It has not been maintained since 2008 and was done as a university research project. You can do some things with it that you can do with the likes of Cariden and WANDL and it takes XML files. It is a bit of a pain

Re: Distributed Router Fabrics

2024-12-21 Thread Yan Filyurin
t; Midwest Internet Exchange <> > <> > <> > <> > The Brothers WISP <> > <https://ww

Re: Distributed Router Fabrics

2024-12-21 Thread Yan Filyurin
When you say distributed router fabrics, are you thinking OCP concept with interconnect switch with ATM-like cell relay (after flowery speeches about "not betting against Ethernet", or course)?

Re: Layer 2 Transport

2025-01-23 Thread Yan Filyurin
It is tough to argue against VXLAN or anything over UDP, but another workhorse of L2 services, especially for cheaper equipment and needing to go over the top was L2TPv3. Some interesting stuff was done by Wireguard and Softether, but I am not sure it counts as service. MPLS-TP is still listed in