RE: Hurricane Electric has reached 0 RPKI INVALIDs in our routing table

2020-06-17 Thread Tim Warnock
> On 17/Jun/20 16:25, Jon Lewis wrote: > > The flip side of this though is that every time an IP space owner > > publishes an ROA for an aggregate IP block and overlooks the fact that > > they have customers BGP originating a subnet of the aggregate with an > > ASN not permitted by an ROA, HE has "

RE: Spectrum technical contact

2018-12-22 Thread Tim Warnock
> That’s where you confuse me Josh, if you do BGP with them wouldn’t it be > your advertisement to them that’s causing them to route to you. In other > words, aren’t they only routing packets to you for prefixes that you advertise > via BGP to them? Unless of course the point-to-point between spe

TATA/AS6453 BGP communities

2019-02-17 Thread Tim Warnock
Hey, Anyone have a list of BGP communities for TATA/AS6453? Mainly chasing geo tags. Their peeringdb contacts are non-responsive. Thanks Tim.

RE: TATA/AS6453 BGP communities

2019-02-17 Thread Tim Warnock
> From: Eric Dugas [] > Sent: Monday, 18 February 2019 1:54 PM > To: Tim Warnock > Cc: NANOG list > Subject: Re: TATA/AS6453 BGP communities > > There you go: > BGP-Communities > Legendary! Thanks :)

RE: IPv6 addressing plan spreadsheet issue

2018-04-01 Thread Tim Warnock
> Hi all, > > I made a list of the IPv6 addresses in my home LAN, but have trouble > copy+pasting the list into a cloud spreadsheet. My address list is here: > > > How do other folks do this? Just administrate things in text files? > > Kind regards, > > Job Length

RE: mpls over microwave

2015-02-06 Thread Tim Warnock
> -Original Message- > From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Scott > Weeks > Sent: Saturday, 7 February 2015 5:26 AM > To: > Subject: RE: mpls over microwave > > > There is no choice in this situation. I get what > I get and make it work. And, it is h

RE: TCP Performance

2013-08-27 Thread Tim Warnock
> Regardless, your problem looks like either tail drops or packet loss, which > you showed originally. The task is to find out where this is occurring, and > which of the two it is. If you want to confirm what is going on, there are > some great bandwidth calculators on the internet which will show

RE: MikroTik strikes again ?

2010-05-03 Thread Tim Warnock
> Adrian M wrote: > > MikroTik strikes again ? > > > > %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path ... 39412 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 > > 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 39625 > > From: Bret Clark [] > Sent: Monday, 3 May 2010 8:26 PM > To: nanog@nano