Re: Problems at

2010-11-20 Thread tico
I have equipment in Fremont-2 that seems to be unaffected. I'm also currently in town (upgrade time) and can kick machines or provide temporary hosting at my cab if need be... Unfortunately, I don't currently have any more info to add. :( -Tico > I was trying to use http://bgp

Re: Clearwire/Clear for branch office connectivity?

2011-01-05 Thread tico
> Is anyone using Clearwire/Clear's wireless broadband offering for > stationary > branch offices/remote equipment monitoring? Looking for > results/experiences > off-list. Curious as to reliability, link performance, and support > quality. Me too! I'd love to hear from anyone that's used it exten

Re: Hurricane Electric

2009-06-17 Thread Tico
vider that I've used that has never pissed me off. Plus they're IPv6 native across the board, if you care about that sort of thing. Cheers, Tico Thanks, Paul "The information transmitted is inten, Fremont-2 outage?

2009-11-03 Thread Tico
Hey guys, I can't get through to Hurricane Electric, and they seem to be having an outage at their Fremont-2 facility again (as of 17:30 UTC or thereabouts) -- ticket system is unanswered, phones go to voicemail, all equipment is unreachable. Does anyone here have a presence at 48233 Warm Spr

Re: BGP Session Teardown due to AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE in AS4_PATH

2009-01-16 Thread Tico
ttp:// And patched (in OpenBGPD) here: though I see it's now in CVS: Regards, Tico

Re: Private use of non-RFC1918 IP space

2009-02-02 Thread Tico
this thread: Mind you, proper due-diligence could avoid most of these, and/or companies not all choosing to use the default 192.168.{0,1}.0/24 that their SOHO Netgear/Linksys router ships configured with. -Tico On Feb 2, 2009, a

Re: Global Blackhole Service

2009-02-13 Thread Tico
it would be worth it to talk to the Team Cymru guys to see if they'd be interested in this. -Tico Jens Ott - PlusServer AG wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, in the last 24 hours we received two denial of service attacks with something like 6-8GBit volume. It

Re: How polluted is 1/8?

2010-02-04 Thread Tico
On 2/4/10 2:14 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote: I know someone who'd happily sink both the /24's in question.. if apnic's interested. Ditto. On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Jared Mauch wrote: On Feb 4, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Kevin Loch wrote: Mirjam Kuehne wrote: Hello, Aft