RE: CDN, Steam, Origin and NAT.

2016-04-21 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I do the network for a few lan parties. Last year we had 400+ people on 3 IPs and didn't have any issues. I don't think those services are that picky anymore since the rise of CGN. Just a side thing, but my advice is to look into setting up a lancache server for Steam. -Original Message--

RE: Netflix banning HE tunnels

2016-06-09 Thread Steve Mikulasik I had to make this, talking about IPv6 or geo-ip in nanog is like throwing blood in the water :)

RE: EVERYTHING about Booters (and CloudFlare)

2016-07-27 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I am sure a lawyer would see it very differently, I could see someone looking at this like racketeering. They get paid to provide a service to defend against DDoS, well knowingly hosting people who conduct DDoS attacks. Cloudflare profits from both the victims and the criminals. If Cloudflare is

RE: Spitballing IoT Security

2016-10-24 Thread Steve Mikulasik
May as well throw in my idea here too. Can ISPs just block their clients from being reached by CNC servers? If we could get a service like Spamhaus for botnets and have service providers automatically blackhole those CNC IPs. Having this done at the tier 1 level would probably cause some pain to

RE: Avalanche botnet takedown

2016-12-01 Thread Steve Mikulasik
We need a cost effective and performant way of blocking botnet traffic in SP networks. Fact is the only way to enforce network policy is from within the network. Laws, putting the onous on users, notifying infected users, etc will never work. We can't expect to solve them all, but at least make

RE: Impacts of Encryption Everywhere (any solution?)

2018-05-28 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Look at the Steam cache project, the generic downloader can also cache Windows Updates and most gaming services. I imagine Windows Updates would eat a lot of traffic. From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Mike Hammett Sent: Monday, May 28, 201

RE: What are people using for IPAM these days?

2018-06-11 Thread Steve Mikulasik
PHPIpam, but I do find there to be a lack of current documentation.

RE: Verizon wireless to stop issuing static IPv4

2017-03-09 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Verizon Wireless has been pushing their clients away from static IPv4 for some time. I inquired last year about getting one for a specific project and was told it would be a large upfront cost, limited to certain accounts and required justification. I imagine in the years coming this will beco

RE: DDoS appliances reviews needed

2015-08-27 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I assume they don't list their testing methodology right? It always feels like they just read vendor spec sheets. Steve Mikulasik -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Joe Chisolm Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 9:53 AM To: Su

RE: Ear protection

2015-09-23 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I use these normally. I am surprised some datacenters don't have a requirement for ear protection when entering their facilitiy. Most large construction sites I have been to required me to have ear plugs at least in a pocket and I have been to a fe

RE: ARIN Region IPv4 Free Pool Reaches Zero

2015-09-24 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Let's just hope carriers don't try to fix IPv4 instead of going to IPv6. I'd like my children to grow up in a worlds without cgnat. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Stephen Satchell Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 1:38 PM To: nanog@nanog.o

RE: ARIN Region IPv4 Free Pool Reaches Zero

2015-09-24 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I read an article from National Geographic from the early 90s about the conversion for CFCs to HCFC and I think IPv4 will transition similarly. I wish I could find the article on line, but I can't find it at all. It basically credited the speed of the transition (it was faster than most thought)

RE: Facebook invisible in Italy

2015-09-28 Thread Steve Mikulasik
All good from AS15290. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Marco Paesani Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 2:35 PM To: nanog Subject: Facebook invisible in Italy Hi, some issues from FB network ?? Do you have some info ? Regards, -- Marco Pae

RE: How to force rapid ipv6 adoption

2015-10-02 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I think more focus needs to be for carriers to deliver dual stack to their customers door step, whether they demand/use it or not. Small ISPs are probably in the best position to do this and will help push the big boys along with time. If we follow the network effect (reason why IPv4 lives and I

Telus ADSL IPv6 Roll Out

2015-10-03 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Looks like Telus is rolling out IPv6 to their ADSL customers. My ISP modem/router is getting a /64 at home. I have a really big smile right now [😊]

RE: Telus ADSL IPv6 Roll Out

2015-10-06 Thread Steve Mikulasik
+, Steve Mikulasik wrote: > Looks like Telus is rolling out IPv6 to their ADSL customers. My ISP > modem/router is getting a /64 at home. I have a really big smile right > now [😊] <> If that /64 is on the outside interface, well done - what are you getting

RE: IGP choice

2015-10-22 Thread Steve Mikulasik
And Windows Server for your routing platform of choice! -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Damien Burke Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 1:12 PM To: Subject: RE: IGP choice Just use rip for *everything* Problem solved! -Orig

RE: Uptick in spam

2015-10-26 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I think there might be more emails discussing the spam, than the actual spam itself. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Ian Smith Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 12:34 PM To: Paras Cc: Subject: Re: Uptick in spam Filtering *@jdl

RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality?

2015-11-20 Thread Steve Mikulasik
What are these technical requirements? I feel like these would punish small upstarts well helping protect large incumbent services from competition. Even if you don't demand payment, you can still hurt the fairness of the internet this way. -Original Message- From: NANOG [mailto:nano

RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality?

2015-11-20 Thread Steve Mikulasik
at content provider" -Original Message- From: Ian Smith [] Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 9:52 AM To: Steve Mikulasik ; Shane Ronan ; Subject: RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality?

RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality?

2015-11-20 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Requiring streaming companies not to use UDP is pretty absurd. Surely they must be able to identify streaming traffic without needing TCP. Sent from my Windows Phone From: Owen DeLong<> Sent: ‎11/‎20/‎2015 4:32 PM To: Steve Mik

Stewart B.C Loses Internet

2015-12-02 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Interesting story about a small town in BC losing Internet once the non-profit ISP leaves town and they have no alternatives.

IGF Mandate Renewl

2015-12-07 Thread Steve Mikulasik
The UN's Internet Governance Forum is up for renewal at the end of 2015, without UN approval they will be shutdown. I am relatively new here and haven't seen much discussion about IGF and UN (attempted) involvement in the internet. How do people feel about the IGF and should it be renewed by the

RE: Another Big day for IPv6 - 10% native penetration

2016-01-05 Thread Steve Mikulasik
They don't need to actually implement it, just say IPv6 increases ranking. SEO is mostly BS anyways, I doubt anyone would notice. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Baldur Norddahl Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 4:33 PM To: Subjec

RE: Peering Exchange

2016-01-26 Thread Steve Mikulasik
They are targeting a different market with cloud exchanges. Usually the direct connect services are for hooking up your MPLS to the cloud provider. Many cloud providers connect to their customers with RFC1918 addresses as well. -Original Message- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-boun...@nanog

RE: Equipment Supporting 2.5gbps and 5gbps

2016-01-27 Thread Steve Mikulasik
It is really early days for this spec. I know there are a few SKUs are Cisco 3850 that have multi-gig support, but I don't know of anything else yet. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Justin Krejci Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 12:49 PM To:

RE: Netflix NOC? VPN Mismarked?

2016-01-28 Thread Steve Mikulasik
How is IPv6 adoption in Korean and Japan? Maybe that would push these vendors to care more if it impacted them where they lived. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Scott Morizot Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:15 PM To: Mikael Abrahamsson C

RE: Anyone from Verizon/MCI/UUNet ?

2016-02-19 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Make sure it goes to a good home where it will be well taken care of. Maybe visit it from time to time, it is hard to give up a good IP block :) -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Randy Carpenter Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 12:18 PM To: NANOG

RE: Ticketmaster Blocking IPs?

2016-02-25 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Funny, I am dealing with the same issue, you are not alone! Reverse lookup on their IP shows that it is hosted by Akamai. I have reached out to them, but the issue hasn't been resolved yet. I have had issues with Akamai black listing our IPs in the past, it has taken 1-2 weeks to get it fully r

RE: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-11 Thread Steve Mikulasik
This is a great way to create a mess of rules. Need a server for running an app locally to a site? You need XYZ standards that make no sense for your deploy and increase the cost by 10 times. Our server guys always try to set standards, then they run into a deploy where the needs are simple, b

RE: Why the US Government has so many data centers

2016-03-14 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Yeah, but at the end we will have reduced paper clip losses significantly! Of course paper clip usage will go up to support the new paper clip auditing department. -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of mikea Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 3:06 PM To

RE: Microwave link capacity

2016-04-07 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Many companies have link planning software available that can help give you an idea as to speed for your particular scenario. Ex:

RE: GeoIP database issues and the real world consequences

2016-04-11 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Just so everyone is clear, Maxmind is changing their default locations. " Now that I’ve made MaxMind aware of the consequences of the default locations it’s chosen, Mather says they’re going to change them. They are picking new default locations for the U.S. and Ashburn, Virginia that are in the

RE: GeoIP database issues and the real world consequences

2016-04-11 Thread Steve Mikulasik
consequences So they launch exhaustive and expensive searches of lakes instead? :-) - Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions Midwest Internet Exchange - Original Message - From: "Steve Mikulasik" To: nanog@nanog

RE: Cisco/Level3 takedown

2015-04-09 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Seems like it this is pretty ineffective. The group already moved subnets once, they will likely do this again, all Cisco/L3 have done is slow them down a bit. Stephen Mikulasik -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Sameer Khosla Sent: Thursday, Ap

RE: Cisco Routers Vulnerability

2015-04-13 Thread Steve Mikulasik
They may want to check if some network engineer got fired recently. Usually these sorts of things relate to a human problem rather than a technical attack. Stephen Mikulasik -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Rashed Alwarrag Sent: Monday, April

RE: AWS Elastic IP architecture

2015-06-03 Thread Steve Mikulasik
. Maybe someone can make Cryptolocker to lock you out of your fridge until you pay a ransom. We are entering a whole new era of exciting vulnerabilities. Steve Mikulasik -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday

RE: eBay is looking for network heavies...

2015-06-11 Thread Steve Mikulasik
NA curriculum and/or thinking from the early 90s. Can't blame anyone who hasn't developed a passion for networking outside of education for not entering the field. Memorizing what an Ethernet frame looks like doesn't build an appreciation for networking, unless you can see th

RE: 2.4Ghz 40Mhz 802.11n wifi and Apple Macbook

2015-06-15 Thread Steve Mikulasik
Is this one of those requirements that gets ignored? I have seen plenty of 40Mhz SSIDs polluting spectrum in areas with lots of overlapping APs. Steve Mikulasik -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Ricky Beam Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:58 PM

RE: Ghosts in our 6 New Ubiquity Pros - provision issues.

2015-06-19 Thread Steve Mikulasik
I run lots of these. How many APs? Have you reset them to default yet? Steve Mikulasik -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On

RE: COVID-19 vs. our Networks

2020-03-19 Thread Steve Mikulasik via NANOG
Noticing a few major ISPs not peering with other major networks at their local IXs, instead taking cross country trips. I am sure this isn't helping congestion right now and I have heard from some people it is really affecting their remote users. People in the same city with 80ms-100ms latencies

RE: COVID-19 vs. peering wars

2020-03-20 Thread Steve Mikulasik via NANOG
In Canada the CRTC really needs to get on Canadian ISPs about peering very liberally at IXs in each province. I know of one major institution right now that would have a major work from home issue resolved if one big ISP would peer with one big tier 1 in the IX they are both located at in the sa

RE: QoS for Office365

2019-07-09 Thread Steve Mikulasik via NANOG
Even if QoS on the Internet was possible it would be destroyed by everyone marking all their traffic with the highest priority to get the best performance. Tragedy of the commons. -Original Message- From: NANOG On Behalf Of Mark Tinka Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 10:40 AM To: nanog@nan