Disney+ geolocation error for

2020-10-25 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, Anybody around from Disney+? my main customer (Solcon) is an ISP in the Netherlands. One of our ranges is and it seems to be classified as non-Netherlands. The official support channel doesn't get any further than "you must be using a VPN" even though we are the ISP and it

Re: Disney+ geolocation error for

2020-10-25 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > I had a similar issue here in Sweden. The contact point listed at > http://thebrotherswisp.com/index.php/geo-and-vpn/ > (netad...@disneystreaming.com) helped me with this pretty quickly. Useful link, thanks! Sander

Re: 100G over 100 km of dark fiber

2020-10-30 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, On 30-10-2020 15:33, Dale W. Carder wrote: You may also find that 100G PAM4 could work. There are some vendors that sell the optic, and an outboard EDFA + DCF pizza box. We are about to deploy these on a couple of dark fibers: https://www.solid-optics.com/product/edfamux-multiplexer-ampl

Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-02 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, On Fri, 2021-01-01 at 17:07 -0500, Sean Donelan wrote: > The House on Monday and the Senate on Friday have overriden the > President's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act for > Fiscal Year 2021 passing it into law. > > Among the NDAA's various sections, it includes the Reliable >

Re: OVH datacenter SBG2 in Strasbourg on fire 🔥

2021-03-11 Thread Sander Steffann
> Again: all conjecture, which seems to be tolerated here. ;-) It's all good food for thoughts! It's important to learn from these things, because I (and I expect many others) assumed that fire suppression systems would prevent something like this from happening. It is good to think and talk about

Re: Juniper hardware recommendation

2021-05-16 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi! On Sat, 2021-05-15 at 11:38 +0300, Saku Ytti wrote: > Juniper has worked like this since day1 and shockingly the world > doesn't care, people really don't care for accuracy. CLI and SNMP are > both L3. If you want to report L2 'set chassis fpc N pic N > account-layer2-overhead'. > > However,

Re: "Is BGP safe yet?" test

2020-04-21 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Removing a resource from the certificate to achieve the goal you describe > will make the route announcement NotFound, which means it will be accepted. > Evil RIR would have to replace an existing ROA with one that explicitly makes > a route invalid, i.e. issue an AS0 ROA for specific mem

Re: Mikrotik RPKI Testing

2020-06-17 Thread Sander Steffann
> Mostly. > > I'm only living without IPv6 for the moment, which is painful... :) OMG!!! Max, I'm so sorry to hear that :'( signature.asc Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

Re: questions asked during network engineer interview

2020-07-20 Thread Sander Steffann
> I find there's a strong INVERSE correlation between the quantity of > certificates on an applicant's resume and their ability to do the > job. Never got a certificate, don't want one either :) Sander signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: strange scam? email claiming to be from the fbi

2021-11-15 Thread Sander Steffann
> Quite a bit of discussion on the outages mailing list. It was an exploited > HTML form on the FBI site. That's a flashback to the '90s :) Sander

Re: SRv6 Capable NOS and Devices

2022-01-12 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > No SRv6 is MPLS labeling where label is carried inside IP instead > before the IP header. Layering violation which increases complexity > and cost for no other purpose except dishonest marketing about 'it is > IP, you already understand it, MPLS is hard'. What worries me more is the opportu

Re: SRv6 Capable NOS and Devices

2022-01-12 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Randy, > this is quite true, and a serious issue. but it has a good side. if > you run an ipv6 enebled network, you can deploy srv6 without enabling > srv6 everywhere, only at the marking encaps or embed) points. nice for > partial and/or incremental deployment. Yep, that's what I like abou

Large prefix lists/sets on IOS-XR

2022-12-08 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, What is the best/most efficient/most convenient way to push large prefix lists or sets to an XR router for BGP prefix filtering? Pushing thousands of lines through the CLI seems foolish, I tried using the load command but it seems horribly slow. What am I missing? :) Cheers! Sander --- fo

Re: Large prefix lists/sets on IOS-XR

2022-12-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Ytti, >> Pushing thousands of lines via CLI/expect automation is def not a great >> idea, no. Putting everything into a file, copying that to the device, and >> loading from there is generally best regardless. The slowness you refer to >> is almost certainly just because of how XR handles co

Re: QFX5k question

2019-03-23 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > thanks for quick reply. I forgot to mention, 2 x 10G providers with full > routing table on each. Those QFXs won't be able to hold full routing tables: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/topic-map/layer-2-forwarding-tables.html#id-configuring-the-unified-forwarding-ta

Re: JunOS Fusion Provider Edge

2019-04-12 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Aaron, > Can I test fusion using vMX and vQFX ? Will it work? I have tried and haven't managed to get it working. It's one of the improvements that I would like to see in vMX and vQFX. #featurerequest Cheers, Sander signature.asc Description: Message signed with OpenPGP

MX10003 rack size

2019-08-06 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, Has anyone ever managed to fit a Juniper MX10003 in a 90cm deep rack? Without applying power tools to either the rack or the router ;) Cheers, Sander signature.asc Description: Message signed with OpenPGP


2019-08-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Lee, > Also but, would that be a Net Neutrality problem, charging less for a service > that has arguably worse access to Amazon, Reddit, Twitter, etc.? Net neutrality as it is here in Europe usually is satisfied when no preferential treatment is given to a limited set of services (Netflix ha

Re: MX10003 rack size

2019-10-24 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > here it does fit in 600x1000 racks (APC & Minkels), with everything plugged, > airfilter/frontpanel installed, doors closed. > Front door / front rails / rear rails / rear door: 15cm / 72cm / 12cm I can confirm those measurements. We have installed two MX10003 routers in 100cm racks. As l

Re: Netflix banning HE tunnels

2016-06-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Op 8 jun. 2016, om 23:39 heeft John Lightfoot het > volgende geschreven: > > How about: > > Dear Netflix network engineer who’s on the NANOG list. Could you please get > Netflix to fall back to ipv4 Just for geolocation please, the streaming works fine over IPv6 :) > if you block you

Re: NANOG67 - Tipping point of community and sponsor bashing?

2016-06-15 Thread Sander Steffann
> So here we are now... Where do we want to go? I think IXPs have indeed become too much like ISPs, providing more services but also increasing complexity and cost. I prefer simple, scalable and cheap solutions! I want to go to an IXP being a nice simple ethernet switch. Add some nice graphs a

Re: Bonded VDSL2 / ADSL2+ Modems with 4 or more lines bonded

2017-01-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Zyxel SBG3600-N may be another offering you might want to look into? I think those are limited to 2x VDSL + LTE. Cheers, Sander

Re: Questions on IPv6 deployment

2017-01-17 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Suggest /128's for loopbacks and /124's for point to points, all from > the same /64. This way you don't burn space needlessly, don't open > yourself to neighbor discovery issues on point to points I usually reserve one /64 for loopbacks, reserve a /64 per point-to-point connection and con

Re: Questions on IPv6 deployment

2017-01-17 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Bill, > Op 17 jan. 2017, om 22:55 heeft William Herrin het volgende > geschreven: > > I'm always interested in learning something new. Please explain the > DOS vectors you're referring to and how they're mitigated by > allocating a /64 to the point to point link. One thing that comes to min

Re: Whois vs GDPR, latest news

2018-05-17 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Dne 17/05/2018 v 15:03 Niels Bakker napsal(a): >> * na...@ics-il.net (Mike Hammett) [Thu 17 May 2018, 14:44 CEST]: >>> Agreed. This is garbage, un-needed legislation. >> >> Disagreed. These are great and necessary regulations.> >> I'm loving the flood of convoluted unsubscribe notices this

Re: Whois vs GDPR, latest news

2018-05-27 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >> Thanks for the clarification. But whether that fine will be less than 10M is >> extremely vague and (I guess?) left up to the opinions or whims of a Euro >> bureaucrat or judge panel, or something like that... based on very vague and >> subjective criteria. I've searched and nobody can s

Re: Whois vs GDPR, latest news

2018-05-27 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >> The way GDPR is written, if you want to collect (and store) so much as >> the IP address of the potential customer who visited your website, you >> need their informed consent and you can’t require that they consent as >> a condition of providing service. > > What we were told is that sinc

Re: Rising sea levels are going to mess with the internet

2018-07-23 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > The available data does not support your speculation. > >> https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.GHGT.KT.CE?locations=US-EU-CN Maybe it would be more fair to look at CO2 emissions per capita: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC?locations=EU-US-CN Cheers, Sander

Re: Puerto Rico Internet Exchange

2018-09-14 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > In general an IX only makes sense when there are local resources to exchange. > It doesn’t seem like PR has a lot of, if any, content providers of its own, > so most consumer content is coming from offshore anyway. This can also work the other way: once there is a local IXP, it can open

Re: IP Dslams

2019-01-05 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > How many devices are you looking for? > Consider ZyXEL 1248: > https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en/products_services/48-port-Temperature-Hardened-ADSL2--Box-DSLAM-IES-1248-5x-IES-1248-5xA-Series/ I had bad experiences with those. When testing IPv6 they messed up the data inside the PPP session. T

Re: Google Fiber v6 PD only giving /64

2019-01-06 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Anybody here from Google Fiber? When I first got it last year, my IPv6 > setup got a /56 prefix delegated. I now see that no matter what size I > request, I only get a /64. Is this intentional? Sounds broken, especially considering how people like Lorenzo have always fought for giving e

Re: IP Dslams

2019-01-06 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >> How many devices are you looking for? >> Consider ZyXEL 1248: >> https://www.zyxel.com/uk/en/products_services/48-port-Temperature-Hardened-ADSL2--Box-DSLAM-IES-1248-5x-IES-1248-5xA-Series/ > > I had bad experiences with those. My apologies, my problems were with a different Zyxel model

Re: Last Mile Design

2019-02-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Mark, > My preference, for the home, would be Active-E. But I do understand the > economics that may support PON, and my position on that has softened over the > years. Same for me. I like the architecture where the PON splitters are in powered roadside cabinets (even though the splitter is

Re: A Deep Dive on the Recent Widespread DNS Hijacking

2019-02-25 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Paul, > Reread this and felt I should clarify that I realize that John and Doug > are not the ones saying DNSSEC is useless. I just hate to see the knee > jerk "oh, see, DNSSEC didn't save the day so it's obviously > useless". Let's give the world a better explanation. Security is only as stro

Re: A Deep Dive on the Recent Widespread DNS Hijacking

2019-02-26 Thread Sander Steffann
> Op 26 feb. 2019, om 10:56 heeft Bill Woodcock het volgende > geschreven: > > We need to get switched over to DANE as quickly as possible, and stop wasting > effort trying to keep the CA system alive with ever-hackier band-aids. +1 Sander signature.asc Description: Message signed with Open

Re: Cellular enabled console server

2017-02-24 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > NANOG - Are any of you running a console server to access your network > equipment via a serial connection at a remote site? If so, what are you > using and how much do you like it? I have a project where I need to stand > up over 100 remote sites and would like a backdoor to the console j

Re: Cogent BCP-38

2017-08-30 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Op 29 aug. 2017, om 15:29 heeft Rob Evans het > volgende geschreven: > >> Well, if you are using public IP addresses for infra you are violating your >> RIR’s policy more than likely. > > [Citation needed.] :) I am pretty confident that I know those policies well enough to say that you

Re: Will a single /27 get fully routed these days?

2014-01-27 Thread Sander Steffann
> But more important: which /10 is set aside for this? It is not listed on https://www.arin.net/knowledge/ip_blocks.html >>> >>> I'm not sure it has been determined yet, let alone announced. >> >> According to https://www.arin.net/resources/request/ipv4_countdown.html >> phase one it

Re: Will a single /27 get fully routed these days?

2014-01-27 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Op 27 jan. 2014 om 10:49 heeft Tore Anderson het volgende > geschreven: > > * Sander Steffann > >> But more important: which /10 is set aside for this? It is not listed >> on https://www.arin.net/knowledge/ip_blocks.html > > Probably 23.128/10: &

Re: ipv6 newbie question

2014-01-29 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Is it best practice to have the internet facing BGP router's peering ip (or > for that matter any key gateway or security appliance) use a statically > configured address or use EUI-64 auto config? > > I have seen comments on both sides and am leaning to EUI-64 (except for the > VIP's li

Re: ARIN board accountability to network operators (was: RE: [arin-ppml] [arin-discuss] Term Limit Proposal)

2014-03-28 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Owen, > I, for one, would not want to start having to pay RIPE-level fees. > > ARIN fees are a much better deal than RIPE fees. Only up to Small... The RIPE NCC membership fee is €1750 (±$2400 currently) for everybody. The ARIN fees are between $500 and $32000, with category Small at $2000

Re: ARIN board accountability to network operators (was: RE: [arin-ppml] [arin-discuss] Term Limit Proposal)

2014-03-28 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Owen, > Compare and contrast the costs of being a PI holding end-user in the RIPE > region to those in the ARIN region and the difference becomes much more > noticeable. Yeah, RIPE NCC is definitely much cheaper for PI: no initial registration fee of ≥$500. The maintenance cost is $100/year

Re: ARIN board accountability to network operators

2014-03-28 Thread Sander Steffann
Oops. /me was confused. €50 indeed! Met vriendelijke groet, Sander Steffann > Op 28 mrt. 2014 om 15:20 heeft Nick Hilliard het volgende > geschreven: > >> On 28/03/2014 14:03, Sander Steffann wrote: >> Yeah, RIPE NCC is definitely much cheaper for PI: no initial >>

Re: Requirements for IPv6 Firewalls

2014-04-17 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Bill, > Also, I note your draft is entitled "Requirements for IPv6 Enterprise > Firewalls." Frankly, no "enterprise" firewall will be taken seriously > without address-overloaded NAT. I realize that's a controversial > statement in the IPv6 world but until you get past it you're basically > was

Re: Why do some providers require IPv6 /64 PA space to have public whois?

2012-12-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Ok, so I'll give you that tunneling a really short bit, tunneling isn't too > bad, but native is most of the time better. So sad that some companies mess up in such a way that their customers rather tunnel than use their native infra... :-( - Sander

Re: Advisory — D-root is changing its IPv4 address on the 3rd of January.

2012-12-15 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Additionally, we will be actively monitoring usage after the 6 month > period to determine when best to terminate the service on the old IP. Good to hear that. > The old address, which is in the middle of UMD's network, is going to be > black-holed once the change is over. Nothing will be

Re: Notice: Fradulent RIPE ASNs

2013-01-15 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >> is likely to be following the >> reporting procedure for the provision of untruthful information to the >> RIPE NCC at http://www.ripe.net/contact/reporting-procedure, which is >> a well defined procedure. RIPE NCC will investigate any report >> submitted though this procedure; there is a

Re: Notice: Fradulent RIPE ASNs

2013-01-15 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > I'm having more than a little deja vu here - Romanian LIRs have come up on > this list (leave alone nanog, or various other RIPE lists) more than once in > this context. In fact Yes, but like I said: talk on lists is not enough > There is an apparent pattern of large scale misuse of re

Re: Slashdot: UK ISP PlusNet Testing Carrier-Grade NAT Instead of IPv6

2013-01-16 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > If I have calculated the netmasks right that would mean to set aside: > > 2001:0DB8:6440::/42 > > for the use of 6rd service: > > 2001:0DB8:6440:::/64 = > > 2001:0DB8:647F:::/64 = You probably should add a few extra bits for subnetting behind the 6

Re: CGN fixed/hashed nat question

2013-01-23 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > There are several conflicting requirements, including: > > - requirement to run a business which makes money > - constraints on IPv4 addresses which mandate NAT > - law enforcement requirements, mandating either logging / port tracking > - network telemetry > > law enforcement requirements

Re: IPV6 in enterprise best practices/white papaers

2013-01-26 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > I have read many of those ipv6 documents and they are great but I > still luck to find something like "real word" scenario. Keep an eye on Deploy360: http://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/ipv6/ > What I mean is that for example I want to start implementation of ipv6 > in my enterprise a

Re: [c-nsp] DNS amplification

2013-03-18 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > First of all, multihomed sites with its own global routing > table entries bloats the global routing table, which is the > major cause of global routing table bloat and is not acceptable. Sorry, but that is false. Looking at the CIDR report (http://www.cidr-report.org/as2.0/#Gains) the rou

Re: routing table go boom

2013-03-20 Thread Sander Steffann
ication > system. > > Granted that it is no worse than multihoming by routing protocols. > > But, it merely means that neither BGP nor LISP works "completely > and correctly". Well, yeah, if your internal routing (behind the ETR) breaks then your network is broken... Met vriendelijke groet, Sander Steffann

VPLS PE Redundancy with Supervisor Engine 2T

2013-03-21 Thread Sander Steffann
ally been tested... So: has anybody ever set up a network like this, or am I really beta testing for Cisco now? Cheers, Sander Steffann

Re: [c-nsp] VPLS PE Redundancy with Supervisor Engine 2T

2013-03-22 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > We're trying to implement VPLS PE Redundancy with Supervisor Engine 2T (VSS) > as described in > http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps5718/ps708/white_paper_c11-663645.html#wp9000139 > and constantly failing. It seems so simple: set up a VSS, use LACP or PAgP > port-chan

Re: Choice of address for IPv6 default gateway

2012-01-27 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > The issue of using FE80::1 everywhere (as the virtual IP in your FHRP > of choice) is operationally a wash, in terms of perceived complexity > from the front lines. Do people give me quizzical expressions the > first time they learn/use it? Absolutely. But a small amount of > "getting com

Re: filtering /48 is going to be necessary

2012-03-09 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > What should happen is this "quasi-legitimate" method of > multi-homing should just be declared illegitimate for IPv6, to > facilitate stricter filtering. Instead, what should happen is the > multi-homing should be required to fit into one of 3 scenarios, so > any announcement with an IPv

Re: [IPv6] Monitoring BGP IPv6 Sesions

2012-04-19 Thread Sander Steffann
> On 19/04/2012 09:58, Carlos Asensio wrote: >> Anyone can help us on that matter? > > We need BGP4MIBv2. We've needed it for years. > > I am tired of screen-scraping terminal sessions looking for signs that ipv6 > sessions are down or broken. +1 Sander

Re: Juniper advertises ::/0 Cisco hears ::/3

2012-05-12 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > This one is very strange... > > Has anyone seen this behavior with BGP IPv6 between Juniper (owned by Level > 3, advertising routes correctly, sending default ::/0) and Cisco (6509 > running 12.2.58.SXI6 advipservices, receiving all routes fine except > default, hearing ::/3)? I worked wit

Re: Cisco 7200 PCI Limitations

2012-08-03 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > The other option left is the I/O controller. I found that you can get a port > adaptor jacket card [2] for the 7200's that let you stick a normal interface > card into the I/O controller slot (instead of the I/O controller itself). > > My main concern is if the jacket card uses its own PC

Re: Dropping IPv6 Fragments

2012-10-04 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >> Who drops IPv6 fragments in their network, under what circumstances? > > No one who offers working IP connections. > > Dropping IPv6 fragments against your control-plane, that is another > discussion, but dropping them in transit would be short-lived exercise. Depends on where you are lo

Re: best way to create entropy?

2012-10-14 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, When you let OpenSSH use the egd protocol directly it will get its entropy from an egd daemon. Otherwise it uses /dev/random. When you use ekeyd-egd-linux then you feed the entropy from the egd daemon to the pool used for /dev/random. That way you are not completely dependent on the egd dae

Re: Issues encountered with assigning all ones IPv6 /64 address? (Was Re: Issues encountered with assigning .0 and .255 as usable addresses?)

2012-10-23 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > RFC 2526 reserves the last 128 host addresses in each subnet for anycast use. But that would mean that the ...:fffe address also shouldn't work. Considering RFC 2526 then filtering those addresses when used as source address makes sense. - Sander PS: I'm in contact with a network enginee

Re: Issues encountered with assigning all ones IPv6 /64 address?

2012-10-24 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > On a separate note, one of my customers discovered over the weekend > that if they bring up an all ones IPv6 address in their /64 > (2001:db8:1:1::::) then they can't exchange traffic > with stuff hosted at hetzner.de such as archives.postgresql.org or > 1-media-cdn.foolz.us.

Re: IP tunnel MTU

2012-10-30 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >>> Certainly fixing all the buggy host stacks, firewall and compliance devices >>> to realize that ICMP isn't bad won't be hard. >> >> Wait till you get started on "fixing" the "security" consultants. > > Ack. I've yet to come across a *device* that doesn't deal properly with > "packet t

Re: IPv6 Netowrk Device Numbering BP

2012-11-01 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Owen, > You really shouldn't need to parse these and it's perfectly valid to reject > them as invalid input. This really is an output only format [...] I don't agree. I think it's actually the other way around. It's a valid representation of an IPv6 address so you be able to parse them. You

Re: Long and unabbreviatable IPv6 addresses with random overloaded bits, vs. tunnelbroker

2012-11-18 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > I've tried contacting them in an effort to receive any kind of a > "proper" IPv6 address without the plaintext IPv4 embedment, but > they've given me all sorts of crazy and (IMHO) far-sketched excuses; > from not wanting to maintain a separate database of IPv6 > addresses/subnets, and from l

Re: Big day for IPv6 - 1% native penetration

2012-11-20 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > So, I assume 6in4 tunnels like HE.net are included in the "native" percentage? As the traffic is delivered as native traffic to Google I don't think Google can even see that there is a tunnel between them and the user. They might see a lower MTU, but to Google the traffic is native IPv6.

Re: Big day for IPv6 - 1% native penetration

2012-11-26 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, >>> Again, where're the compelling IPv6-only content/apps/services? >>> >> >> To answer your rhetorical question, http://www.kame.net/ has a dancing >> kame. To my knowledge, that's the most compelling IPv6-only content. > > Don't forget http://loopsofzen.co.uk/ - that's definitely the mos

Re: fire ants

2014-08-14 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Suresh, Op 13 aug. 2014, om 03:16 heeft Suresh Ramasubramanian het volgende geschreven: > Needs an "Anthill Inside" sticker like Hex at the Unseen University. I should have bought one at the Discworld Convention last weekend :) http://www.pjsmprints.com/stickers/index.html Cheers, Sander

Re: Akamai charges for IPv6 support?

2014-08-18 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Aaron, > Is it normal to bill for IPv6 service as a separate product? I was > surprised to hear from from my Akamai rep they they do: > >> Hi Aaron, We can add the IPV6 service to the contract at an additional >> cost of $XXX/month. Please let me know if you would like to go ahead with >> the

Re: The Next Big Thing: Named-Data Networking

2014-09-05 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > How many Youtube subject tags will fit in *your* routers' TCAM? > > > http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/09/04/2156232/ucla-cisco-more-launch-consortium-to-replace-tcpip > > [ Can someone convince me this isn't the biggest troll in the history > of the internet? Cause it sounds like shoe

Re: Here comes iOS 8...

2014-09-18 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Do you have a reference? Someone just told me it is more around 5GB. It seems to depend on the device. IIRC my iPhone 4S downloaded ±0.9GB and my iPad Mini ±1.3GB. That might be because the 4S is still a 32-bit device. Cheers, Sander

Re: IPv6 Default Allocation - What size allocation for Loopback Address

2014-10-12 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Op 11 okt. 2014, om 23:00 heeft Roland Dobbins het > volgende geschreven: > >> On Oct 11, 2014, at 2:09 PM, Tim Raphael wrote: >> >>> From my research, various authorities have recommended that a single /64 be >>> allocated to router loopbacks with /128s assigned on interfaces. >> >>

Re: Industry standard bandwidth guarantee?

2014-10-30 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > and this industry would > perhaps be better off if we called a link that can deliver at best 17 > Megabits of Goodput reliably a "15 Megabit goodput +5 service" > instead of calling it a "20 Megabit service" But you don't know what the user is going to do over the link. If the average pac

Re: TeliaSonera IC Contacts

2014-11-29 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Does anyone have a contact for an account manager at TeliaSonera IC? We’ve > sent at least 3 requests for a quote through their website over a month or so > and haven’t got a single reply except for the automated “we’ve received your > query” email. And you still want to buy from them?!?

Re: Transparent hijacking of SMTP submission...

2014-11-29 Thread Sander Steffann
Op 29 nov. 2014, om 19:37 heeft Randy Bush het volgende geschreven: > i think of it as an intentional traffic hijack. i would be talking to a > lawyer. > > randy, who plans to test next time he is behind comcast I am so glad that our Dutch net neutrality laws state that "providers of Internet

Re: TeliaSonera IC Contacts

2014-11-29 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > It's more of a "have to buy from them" as opposed to a "want to buy from > them." I'd much prefer NTT, but they are nowhere near where we are > unfortunately. You were talking about Amsterdam, right? There are plenty of transits you can buy from. Cheers, Sander

Re: v6 deagg

2015-02-21 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Mans, > I'm working at one of those organisations who have a /48 and am announcing > it into DFZ. We have a situation where I might have another site with > separate connectivity to the DFZ (but there is internal networking) > which would entitle me to another /48 according to RIR rules. Corre

Re: internet visualization

2015-09-06 Thread Sander Steffann
> one of my colleagues just posted this visualiation > of the internet from the as_path view of 2914. if you are on > a mobile, you have to physically move your device around. > > http://as2914.net/ > > If you love it, send Job your accolades. If you hate it, > see above discl

Re: cisco.com unavailable

2015-09-21 Thread Sander Steffann
> Is cisco.com unavailable or it is affected just for > Rostelecom? Works fine here in The Netherlands (ISP: Solcon). Cheers, Sander

Re: /27 the new /24

2015-10-04 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > Op 4 okt. 2015, om 16:52 heeft Mel Beckman het volgende > geschreven: > > If it doesn't support IPSec, it's not really IPv6. Just as if it failed to > support any other mandatory IPv6 specification, such as RA. I think you're still looking at an old version of the IPv6 Node Requirement

Re: Android and DHCPv6 again

2015-10-15 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > SLAAC by default provides the address and default gateway (RA) > If SLAAC managed flag is set, then DHCPv6 is used get the address and other > configs (DNS, etc..) > If SLAAC other flag is set, then SLAAC provides the address, and uses DHCPv6 > to get the other configs (DNS, etc..) It's

Re: IPv6 Irony.

2015-10-20 Thread Sander Steffann
> I bet most money is spent on hiring software developers to change/review all > BSS/NSS systems to adopt to IPv6 ;) You should hire a consultant who can then push the software developers to hire people to change/review [..etc..] ;-) Cheers, Sander

Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality?

2015-11-24 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Owen, > To me, net neutrality isn’t as much about what you charge the customer for > the data, it’s about > whether you prioritize certain classes of traffic to the detriment of others > in terms of > service delivery. > > If T-Mobile were taking money from the video streaming services or on

Re: Nat

2015-12-19 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Matthew, > The mix of having to do this crazy thing of gateway announcements > from one place, DNS from somewhere else, possibly auto-assigning > addresses from a router, but maybe getting them over DHCPv6. It's > just confusing and unnecessary and IMHO isn't helpful for > persuading people to

Re: Nat

2015-12-19 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Jeff, > It's far past time to worry about architectural purity. We need people > deploying IPv6 *NOW*, and it needs to be the job of the IETF, at this > point, to fix the problems that are causing people not to deploy. I partially agree with you. If people have learned how IPv6 works, deploye

Re: Nat

2015-12-19 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Nick, > Unfortunately, this turned into a religious war a long time ago and the > primary consideration with regard to dhcpv6 has not been what's best for > ipv6 or ipv6 users or ipv6 operators, but ensuring that dhcpv6 is > sufficiently crippled as a protocol that it cannot be deployed without

Re: Nat

2015-12-19 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Matthew, > I have multiple sets of clients on a particular subnet; the subnet > is somewhat geographically distributed; I have multiple routers > on the subnet. I currently am able to explicitly associate clients > with the most appropriate router for them in v4. > How can I do this using only

Re: Another Big day for IPv6 - 10% native penetration

2016-01-04 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > We just need Google to announce that IPv6 enabled sites will get a slight > bonus in search rankings. And just like that, there will suddenly be a > business reason to implement IPv6. I already discussed that with them a long time ago, but they weren't convinced. Maybe now is the time to d

Re: Another Big day for IPv6 - 10% native penetration

2016-01-11 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Vint, > Op 11 jan. 2016, om 12:47 heeft Vint Cerf het volgende > geschreven: > > since google is a major implementor of IPv6, some people might claim this is > an attempt to artificially inflate scores for Google sites. Sigh. Sigh indeed. On the other hand: IPv6 is getting enough traction

Re: Another Big day for IPv6 - 10% native penetration

2016-01-11 Thread Sander Steffann
> Op 11 jan. 2016, om 15:05 heeft Vint Cerf het volgende > geschreven: > > sounds like the Federal Reserve testing the waters with hints of increasing > discount rate... :) signature.asc Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: small automatic transfer switches

2016-01-30 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > There's also WTI, which we use: > http://www.wti.com/c-41-automatic-transfer-switch.aspx And for the small deployments their RSM series is great as well: automatic transfer switch, remote power switching and remote serial console all in one box. Those boxes are more expensive, but if you

Re: v6 deagg

2015-02-24 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Bill, > I don't fully understand the math yet but the algorithm doesn't smell > right. As near as I can figure it may only be correct in a static > system. If after convergence the disaggregate ceases to be reachable > from the aggregate, there doesn't appear to be either enough > information i

Looking for Sky UK contact

2015-04-07 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, If there is anybody from Sky UK here please contact me off-list. Cheers! Sander

Re: gmail security is a joke

2015-05-29 Thread Sander Steffann
> Op 29 mei 2015, om 08:42 heeft Joe Abley het volgende > geschreven: > > [...] > and around this point, I start to think > > - I've had enough of this > - this is too hard > - I don't even remember what I am signing up for at this point > - I am going to look for amusing cats on youtube Good

Re: Android (lack of) support for DHCPv6

2015-06-10 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi Lorenzo, > It's certainly possible to make Android request N IPv6 addresses via > DHCPv6, and not accept the offer if it is offered fewer than N addresses. > But that only really makes sense if there's a generally-agreed upon minimum > value of N. I'd be happy to work with people on an Internet

Re: Android (lack of) support for DHCPv6

2015-06-10 Thread Sander Steffann
> > It's not the *only* option. There are large networks - O(100k) IPv6 nodes - > that do ND monitoring for accountability, and it does work for them. Many > devices support this via syslog, even. As you can imagine, my Android device > gets IPv6 at work, even though it doesn't support DHCPv6.

Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion

2015-07-06 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > I was hoping to find a solution that maybe utilized some kind of session sync > or something of that matter [...] And the session sync is then the weakest link. I have seen a cluster of Nexus switches crash in sync when saving the configuration (which was synced). True redundancy is only


2013-08-08 Thread Sander Steffann
Hi, > I'm pretty sure that if 6connect doesn't have an existing tool to import > Northstar that they'd work with your client to get it done. +1 on 6connect. Very helpful people there :-) Sander

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