Re: N91 Women mixer on Sunday?

2024-03-28 Thread Morris, Tina via NANOG
Illissa, The mixer is at 5pm Sunday, this allows people to network and prepare for the week. Sunday also has a hackathon, registration, and often a welcome social. NANOG has a very compressed schedule and another time would actually mean that the women participating would have to pick between th

Re: N91 Women mixer on Sunday?

2024-03-29 Thread Morris, Tina via NANOG
e and second Ilissa’s comments. I miss WiT. Lunch during the meeting worked. Giving up more of the weekend to travel does not show half the population gathering matters. On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 15:16 Morris, Tina via NANOG>> wrote: Illissa, The mixer is at 5pm S