NANOG40 webcasting

2007-06-05 Thread MARLON BORBA
fellow NANOGers, are there live webcasts of NANOG presentations and talks? if so, where can I point my media player to? Abraços, Marlon Borba, CISSP, APC DataCenter Associate Técnico Judiciário - Segurança da Informação TRF 3 Região (11) 3012-1683 -- Dont just sit there and think it does not

Re: Other NOGs around the world?

2010-08-22 Thread MARLON BORBA
Brazil's GTER (portuguese acronym for Network Operation and Engineering Workgroup). Exclusively in Brazilian Portuguese. Next national meeting scheduled for November 25-27. Abraços, Marlon Borba, CISSP, APC DataCenter Associate Técnico Judiciário · Segurança da Infor