Re: 2749 routes AT RISK - Re: TIMELY/IMPORTANT - Approximately 40 hours until potentially significant routing changes (re: Retirement of ARIN Non-Authenticated IRR scheduled for 4 April 2022)

2022-04-04 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
ffective way to clean up stale IRR records is to publish RPKI ROAs for your address space. -- Kenneth Finnegan ALTDB Admin On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 8:59 AM Job Snijders via NANOG wrote: > > Dear all, > > On Sat, Apr 02, 2022 at 09:09:58PM +, John Curr

Re: 2749 routes AT RISK - Re: TIMELY/IMPORTANT - Approximately 40 hours until potentially significant routing changes (re: Retirement of ARIN Non-Authenticated IRR scheduled for 4 April 2022)

2022-04-04 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
email me saying so. Bonus points if you include a reason why you waited until T-0 to change your mind on managing them. -- Kenneth Finnegan On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 4:04 PM Nick Hilliard wrote: > > Kenneth Finnegan wrote on 04/04/2022 21:05: > > I'v

Quickstart Guide to IRR/RPSL

2018-07-19 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
de: I thought others on this list would find our whitepaper interesting, and/or have valuable feedback based on their experience applying IRR themselves. -- Kenneth Finnegan Technical Director Fremont Cabal Internet Exchange

Re: Quickstart Guide to IRR/RPSL

2018-07-19 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
nst the route servers. It seems like there's probably a tool like bgpq3 that can turn a list of ASNs into an as-set of their exports, but I'm not seeing it. Anyone have something at hand, or am I breaking out the python soon? -- Kenneth Finnegan

Re: Amazon now controls

2018-11-12 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
mately failed to resolve the issue with the maintainer of the object, you can escalate the matter to the alias. We have recently started a cleanup effort of the ALTDB database to improve the quality of the routing information present in it. -- Kenneth Finnegan ALTDB Admin

Re: update

2014-09-28 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
ofile" and the actual threat level given the current state of the rest of the universe. We really don't need to be splitting hairs about this on the NANOG list... -- Kenneth Finnegan

Re: IPv6 Default Allocation - What size allocation are you giving out

2014-10-08 Thread Kenneth Finnegan
box, since WiFi tends to fall over so hard on multicast/broadcast traffic. Suddenly their router needs two subnets, and either one of them doesn't work, or they have to live with reduced WiFi performance. -- Kenneth Finnegan