Re: Colo Vending Machine

2012-02-17 Thread George Carey
> > The vending machine should use a card like an ATM/gift card, not accept cash. > You should be able to "charge" the card with some cash via a web portal and > keep the card in the facility in your space. If something is needed, one can > purchase it with the card. If there is no money on

Re: Level 3 - "legacy" Wiltel/Looking Glass bandwidth

2009-07-02 Thread George Carey
As a Level 3 customer who had connectivity to some legacy Wiltel equipment I can also attest that service levels were pretty bad following that merger. We had a few memorable outages where escalations were necessary to get things resolved and folks familiar with the equipment were hard to find.

Re: PPPoE vs. Bridged ADSL

2009-10-28 Thread George Carey
We like PPPoE on the edge because we can use RADIUS to apply policy to the subscribers for bandwidth management, class-of-service, SNPs, etc. You probably have some of these features via your DSLAM, but we found it easier to do via RADIUS with a web based GUI for our provisioning folks. So

Re: impossible circuit

2008-08-10 Thread George Carey
A strange one indeed, especially if you have no connectivity to Sprint there. Since your fix was layer 2 you might be onto something. And you have the time it happened, and as we all know - somebody changed somethin' even if they won't fess up. I'm trying to think how you could cause somethi

Re: PPP+RADIUS - routing subnets to end users - Framed-Route vs. Framed-IP-Netmask

2010-03-08 Thread George Carey
We've always considered the WAN and LAN to be different objects so our history is to prefer the method you think is 'better.' Seems this model has been around since the dialin days. We also have customers with multiple routes so it seems a logical separation. Failover might be a bit more flexib

Looking for XO routing engineer

2011-04-22 Thread George Carey
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Can someone from XO please contact me about this hijacked prefix: I see it coming from AS35909 through AS2828. No luck getting anyone on the phone. Thanks George Carey -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.11