RE: B5-Lite

2016-05-14 Thread Eric Rogers
(5GHz) can at least carry 100Mish across until the rain stops. Eric Rogers PDS Connect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Spencer Ryan Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 9:46 AM To: Jared Mauch Cc: North American

RE: Ear protection

2015-09-23 Thread Eric Rogers
I use earphones for the phone and alerts function, and because they are noise cancelling, they lower the db of noise. I use Shure SE215. Eric Rogers PDS Connect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Bryan

RE: Favorite GPON Vendor?

2015-11-09 Thread Eric Rogers
I Personally would like to know as well. We are just getting into GPON and the equipment we have been evaluating is clunky at best... It came highly recommended and supposed to be stable. Eric Rogers PDS Connect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG

Possible Level3 Latency and Packet Loss

2016-01-05 Thread Eric Rogers
shoot this? The NOC will not talk with me as I am not a Customer of Record. Eric Rogers (317) 831-3000 x200

Anonymous Threats

2016-01-10 Thread Eric Rogers
using us as the source. Any thoughts on how to catch this person? Even if it isn't us, and it is somewhere else I would like to put a stop to it. Preferably off-list if you do respond... Thanks in advance. Eric Rogers (317) 831-3000 x200

RE: Anonymous Threats

2016-01-10 Thread Eric Rogers
except find any "exit nodes" in the TOR world, but there are several other ways to do the same thing, and too many to keep up. Eric Rogers PDS Connect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Scott Fisher

Someone Please Help Me Understand

2016-04-02 Thread Eric Rogers
peering IPs in Chicago, do I need to peer directly? Should I get FaceBook involved? Eric Rogers PDS Connect (317) 831-3000 x200

RE: Someone Please Help Me Understand

2016-04-02 Thread Eric Rogers
Yes, we have our own Bind9 caching servers in different geographic locations, direct on fiber using SSD drives... Seem very quick when using GRC's DNS Benchmark tests. Eric Rogers PDS Connect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On B

RE: Someone Please Help Me Understand

2016-04-04 Thread Eric Rogers
;t DNS tell the browser what IP to ultimately get the data? I am not trying to publically shame or air dirty laundry, I am just trying to understand the situation more. CDNs bring a whole new level I have yet to comprehend with multicast DNS and GeoIP responses... Eric Rogers PDS Connect www.pds

RE: Getting hit hard by CHINANET

2015-03-18 Thread Eric Rogers
it isn't a permanent ban. Seems to have cut down on the attempts considerably. Eric Rogers PDSConnect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Roland Dobbins Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:04 AM To:

RE: 802.11 based WISP hardware

2015-03-27 Thread Eric Rogers
Try Unifi by Ubiquiti. We use it for our public hotspots and our internal network. Very easy to manage, and you can load the controller in a VMWare instance. Eric Rogers PDSConnect (317) 831-3000 x200 -Original Message- From: NANOG [