[NANOG-announce] NANOG 51 Call For Presentations now open

2010-10-18 Thread David Meyer
Folks, Please take a look at the NANOG 51 Call For Presentations ( http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog51/callforpresent.php): he North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its 51st meeting in Miami on January 30 to February 2, 2011. NANOG51w

[NANOG-announce] Reminder: Today is the last day to register for NANOG 51 at the early bird rate

2010-11-30 Thread David Meyer
Register today to get the early bird rate. Looking forward to seeing you in Miami. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce

Re: [NANOG-announce] Reminder: Today is the last day to register for NANOG 51 at the early bird rate

2010-12-01 Thread David Meyer
Jon, Sorry about that; not sure what's up. I'll look into it. Thanks, Dave On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Jon Lewis wrote: > On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, David Meyer wrote: > > Register today to get the early bird rate. >> >> Looking forward to seeing you in Miam

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 51 in coming up at the end of January....submit your talks now!

2010-12-30 Thread David Meyer
Folks, NANOG 51 is coming up a the end of January. If you like to submit a talk or tutorial, please create an account on https://pc.nanog.org (if you don't have one) and submit your materials. Thanks, and everyone have a safe and happy new year. Dave (for the NANOG PC)

[NANOG-announce] Reminder: NANOG 51 registration fees change from the standard fee to the late fee on 01/08/2010

2011-01-04 Thread David Meyer
Register now! See you in Miami. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce

NANOG 51 Agenda posted

2011-01-19 Thread David Meyer
Folks, See http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog51/agenda.php See you in Miami, Dave (for the NANOG PC)

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 53 Call For Presentations available!

2011-06-23 Thread David Meyer
Folks, The Call for Presentations for NANOG 53 is up on http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog53/callforpresent.php Looking forward to your submissions and seeing you all in Philadelphia. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou.

[NANOG-announce] please submit your talks for NANOG 53!

2011-07-28 Thread David Meyer
Folks, NANOG 53 is fast approaching. Please submit your talks for the program! Thanks, Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce

[NANOG-announce] NANOG Program Committee still reviewing submissions

2011-08-23 Thread David Meyer
NANOG'ers, On Thursday, September 1st, the NANOG Program Committee will meet to review submissions for NANOG 53. In an effort to get a topic list out to the community as early as possible, we do need to have all abstracts and slide submissions in as soon as possible. A quick review of the PC tool

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 53 draft agenda available

2011-09-12 Thread David Meyer
Please see http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog53/agenda.html. Note that the Loews room block expires on 09/23/2011. Note also that the standard registration fee runs through 10/04/2011. Looking forward to seeing you in Philadelphia. Thanks, Dave (for the NANOG PC)

Re: [NANOG-announce] NANOG 53 draft agenda available

2011-09-12 Thread David Meyer
gt; 6connect' to the Peering Track as well? > > Thanks! > > Cheers, > Aaron > > On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 02:28:03PM -0700, David Meyer wrote: >> Please see http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog53/agenda.html. >> >> Note that the Loews room block expires on

[NANOG-announce] PC Nominations Reminder to NANOG Announce

2011-09-26 Thread David Meyer
Hey Folks, Just a reminder that nominations for the Program Committee are open. The PC is a group of sixteen individuals from the NANOG community who together are responsible for the NANOG program. The folks we choose will shape the future of NANOG. With that in mind, I encourage you to self-nom

some musings on PI v. PA

2007-07-12 Thread David Meyer
I've been thinking about a benefit of PI addressing that I have not seen discussed on this list or others (at least recently). In particular, PI addressing enables a certain kind of "path selection" that might not be easy (or possibly desirable) to retain i

[NANOG-announce] Draft NANOG 49 program available!

2010-05-13 Thread David Meyer
Please see http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog49/agenda.php. A few dates of interest: (i).The registration fee increases on May 17. (ii). The special group rate at the hotel expires May 24. We're looking forward to seeing you all in San Fra

Re: [NANOG-announce] Draft NANOG 49 program available!

2010-05-16 Thread David Meyer
Matt, > I maybe the only one, but a lot of the tutorials during the 2 - 3:30 are > related and should be spread out between the 2 - 3:30 times and the 4 - 5:30 > times. I think if someone is interested in either they could pick one from > each session or one from each, but having an all in

Re: Best Practices checklists

2010-06-10 Thread David Meyer
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 05:05:35PM +0100, Michael Dillon wrote: > I expect that the collected members of this list could do a good job > of defining some network security practices checklists. Now that NANOG > has been spun out as an independent entity, I would hate to see it > become just another

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 50 Call for Presentations now available

2010-07-06 Thread David Meyer
Folks, Its time to start thinking about the presentation(s) you want to give at NANOG 50. NANOG 50 is our annual joint meeting with ARIN, so there will be great opportunities to present both the NANOG and ARIN communities. We had a great deal of con

Re: NANOG50 conference info ?

2010-07-07 Thread David Meyer
Leslie, Does anyone have the location of NANOG50 ? > I am trying to coordinate my travel due to another conference in Atlanta > right before NANOG. > > Thanks! > The venue will be formally announced when registration opens on July 19. Hope this helps, Dave

[NANOG-announce] Please get your talks in for NANOG 50

2010-07-20 Thread David Meyer
Folks, NANOG 50 is looming. If you have content you'd like to present, please go to pc.nanog.org, create a username (if you don't have one), and upload your materials. Thanks, Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nano

[NANOG-announce] PC Nominations are open!

2010-08-26 Thread David Meyer
Folks, Its time to nominate those folks who you think will help the NANOG program committee continue to deliver great content to the NANOG community. Eligibility is outlined at http://nanog.org/governance/elections/2010elections. Please nominate those folks who you think can add perspective and e

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 50 agenda posted!

2010-09-10 Thread David Meyer
Please see http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/agenda.php. A few dates of interest: (i).The registration fee increases on September 22. (ii). The special group rate at the hotel expires September 15. We're looking forward to seeing you all in Atlanta. Thanks, Dave (for th

[NANOG-announce] Final agenda posted for NANOG 50

2010-09-21 Thread David Meyer
Folks, The agenda for NANOG 50 has been updated. The agenda looks very good and we are looking forward to seeing you all in Atlanta. Please note that tomorrow (09/21) is the last day before late registration kicks in. So please register tomorrow if you haven't already. Looking forward to Atlanta,

NANOG 47 announcements

2009-07-13 Thread David Meyer
Folks, A few announcements: (i).Thank everyone again for attending NANOG 46. The NANOG 46 survey is open for one more week. If you haven't taken the survey yet, please see http://www.sur

NANOG Program Committee Nominations open September 08 2009

2009-08-12 Thread David Meyer
Folks, Following up on Joe's message, I wanted to remind folks that we are approaching the annual NANOG election and appointment time, and to ask you to consider nominating qualified folks for the NANOG Program Committee. The Program Committee is a

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 47 dates of interest

2009-09-08 Thread David Meyer
Folks, Just a brief reminder of upcoming dates of interest - The NANOG PC will be posting an updated agenda for NANOG 47 after our 09/08/2009 call - The registration fee for NANOG 47 increases to US$525 on 09/14/2009 - Nomina

[NANOG-announce] Tentative NANOG47 Agenda available!

2009-09-11 Thread David Meyer
Folks, The tentative agenda for NANOG47 is now available. See http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog47/agenda.php. Looking forward to seeing you all in Dearborn. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce

[NANOG-announce] Lightning talks open for NANOG 47

2009-09-15 Thread David Meyer
Just a reminder: Lightning talks are open for NANOG 47. Looking forward to your submissions. Dave (for the NANOG PC) signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.or

In the event you had a lightning talk rejected for NANOG 47

2009-09-28 Thread David Meyer
Folks, We found a bug in our submission tool that was rejecting lightning talk submissions with a "Lightning talks closed" error message. We believe we have it fixed now. In the event you were erroneously rejected, please resubmit your lightning talk

[NANOG-announce] Heads up -- NANOG 47 upcoming dates of interest

2009-10-01 Thread David Meyer
Folks, The NANOG PC is in the process of finalizing an exciting agenda for NANOG 47, so look for that over the next couple of days. In addition, note that registration rate will be going up on 10/03/2009 (from $US 525.00 to $US 600.00), so register n

[NANOG-announce] A few notes on recent events and items of interest for NANOG 47

2009-10-13 Thread David Meyer
Folks, A few notes on recent events and items of interest: (i).The NANOG Steering Committee approved the 2009 Election Ballot. It will be posted on Sunday, October 18 by noon when the polls open. (ii). Charter amendments

route-views maintenance

2008-12-04 Thread David Meyer
Folks, We're planning a brief outage on route-views.routeviews.org at 1200 PST today (basically, upgrading processor and memory; thanks Chip Sharp). Thanks, Dave signature.asc Description: Digital signature

readable version of my perfect storm slides

2007-10-15 Thread David Meyer
http://www.1-4-5.net/~dmm/talks/NANOG41/perfect_storm.pdf Dave signature.asc Description: Digital signature

routeviews outage this afternoon

2007-11-01 Thread David Meyer
routeviews took an outage this afternoon due to a power issue in the UO switch room. We are mostly back up and running. Sorry for any inconvenience. Dave signature.asc Description: Digital signature

End of life: 'sh ip bgp' collection on route-views.routeviews.org

2008-03-26 Thread David Meyer
Folks, We're planning to end of life collection of 'sh ip bgp' RIBs from route-views.routeviews.org. We will of course keep the data we have. Please let us know if you are still using these data. Thanks, Dave signature.asc Descriptio

Re: OIX Routeviews

2008-07-22 Thread David Meyer
Jason, > Excuse the OT post, I can't seem to send mail to routeviews.org and this > is a last resort. Did you try [EMAIL PROTECTED] In any event... > A while ago, David Meyer asked if anyone was still using the "sho ip > bgp" format rib on routev

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 48 Call for Presentations now available

2009-11-11 Thread David Meyer
Folks, The NANOG 48 Call for Presentations is now available at http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog48/index.php. Please take a look at the important dates, and submit your proposals at http://pc.nanog.org. Look forward to seeing you all in Austin.

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 48 is coming up

2010-01-20 Thread David Meyer
list of meeting sponsors and sponsorship opportunities are available through http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog48/index.php. Look forward to seeing you there, David Meyer (for the NANOG Program Committee) signature.asc Description: Digital signature

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 48 coming up soon

2010-02-04 Thread David Meyer
/nanog48/index.php We look forward to seeing you there. David Meyer (on behalf of the Program Committee) signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org http

[NANOG-announce] Lightning talks open for NANOG 48

2010-02-16 Thread David Meyer
Get yours in now! Looking forward to seeing all of you in Austin. Dave (for the NANOG PC) signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org http://mailman.nanog.org/

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 49 Call for Presentations now available

2010-03-01 Thread David Meyer
Folks, After a great meeting in Austin, we're gearing up for NANOG 49. The NANOG 49 CFP is now available on http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog49/callforpresent.php Important dates include: Presentation Abstracts and Draft Slides Due: 09-Apr-

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 52 Call for Presentations Open!

2011-02-11 Thread David Meyer
Please see http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog52/callforpresent.php Dates of interest: Presentation Abstracts and Draft Slides Due: 14 March 2011 Final Slides Due:16 May 2011 Draft Program Published:

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 52 Registration is open!

2011-03-12 Thread David Meyer
Registration for NANOG 52 is open. Something new this time around: There is a $25 discount for NewNOG members. Please register soon and see you in Denver. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 52 Early Bird Registration ends 04/23/2011 -- Register now!

2011-04-20 Thread David Meyer
Looking forward to seeing you all in Denver. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce

[NANOG-announce] NANOG 52 agenda available!

2011-04-29 Thread David Meyer
Please see http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog52/agenda.php Look forward to seeing you in Denver. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce

[NANOG-announce] Lightning talks open for NANOG 52

2011-05-30 Thread David Meyer
Submit yours now! Look forward to seeing you in Denver. Dave (for the NANOG PC) ___ NANOG-announce mailing list nanog-annou...@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce