Re: Standard DC rack rail distance, front to back question

2023-04-27 Thread Chris Marget
On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 9:53 AM Chuck Church wrote: > for a Cisco ASA1001, there aren’t rails, but rather front and back ‘ears’ > you use to hit both front and back posts. > Front *and* back ears? I'm not sure what an ASA 1001 is (ASR?) but my experience with these boxes is that they have a sing

Re: [nanog] Cisco GLBP/HSRP question -- Has it ever been dis

2019-08-06 Thread Chris Marget
On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 11:38 AM Nicolas Chabbey wrote: > > Are there any good reasons of using proprietary FHRPs like HSRP and GLBP > over VRRP ? HSRP has an potential advantage over VRRP in that HSRP speakers keep track of groups (virtual gateway clusters) in which they do not participate. The

Re: Console Servers & Cellular Providers

2018-02-07 Thread Chris Marget
Lots of references to static IPs from cellular providers for OoB access in this thread. Why? It seems like a dial-home scheme is an obvious solution here, whether it's Opengear's Lighthouse product, openvpn, or whatever... Do you all have a security directive that demands whitelisted IP addresses?

Re: Marriott wifi blocking

2014-10-04 Thread Chris Marget
On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Jay Ashworth wrote: > > - Original Message - > > From: "Chris Marget" > > > You [I] said: > > > > > It is OK for an enterprise wifi system to make this sort of attack > > > *on rogue APs w

Re: Cisco Nexus

2015-02-02 Thread Chris Marget
There are some unfortunate limitations in classifying incoming traffic. It's been a while, but I think the rule is that Nexus 2000 devices can only classify based on incoming 802.1p cos values. It's a pretty strange and disappointing limitation for an edge device where you're less likely to have

PMTUD for IPv4 Multicast - How?

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Marget
I recently discovered that my routers weren't generating ICMP Type 3 Code 4 (unreachable, DF-bit) messages in response to too-big IPv4 multicast packets with DF=1. At first, I thought this was a bug, but then learned that RFCs 1112, 1122 and 1812 all specify that ICMP unreachables not be sent in r

Re: PMTUD for IPv4 Multicast - How?

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Marget
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 12:37 PM, wrote: > On Mon, 31 Aug 2015 12:12:16 -0400, Chris Marget said: > > > At first, I thought this was a bug, but then learned that RFCs 1112, 1122 > > and 1812 all specify that ICMP unreachables not be sent in response to > > multicast packe

Re: PMTUD for IPv4 Multicast - How?

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Marget
>> I'll probably come around, but I've not yet concluded that "screw it, >> fragment my traffic, I don't care" is the stance that a conscientious >> application should be taking. > > Don't you care, for routers, generating ICMP PTB is as burdensome > as generating fragments? I don't think so. If P

Re: PMTUD for IPv4 Multicast - How?

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Marget
> > It's not as obvious to me as it is to you. I mean, v6 *requires* exactly > > this behavior, so it can't be all that bad, can it? > > ICMP replies to multicast packets can cause ICMP "implosion". This is > not a new discussion - see for instance > >

Re: PMTUD for IPv4 Multicast - How?

2015-08-31 Thread Chris Marget
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 8:55 PM, Masataka Ohta wrote: > Chris Marget wrote: >>>> I'll probably come around, but I've not yet concluded that "screw it, >>>> fragment my traffic, I don't care" is the stance that a conscientious >>>> a

Re: Multiple Spanning Tree Instance 0

2015-02-27 Thread Chris Marget
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Graham Johnston wrote: > We are planning a migration from Rapid PVST+ to Multiple Spanning Tree to > better support a mixed vendor environment. My question today is about MST > Instance 0. In practice do you map any VLANs there other than VLAN 1? I'd hoped to

Re: verizon trouble ticket NJ DQ04PWR9 -- is verizon blocking by accident or on purpose?

2013-10-04 Thread Chris Marget is reachable from AS2828 and from AS20115, but not from AS22394 (Verizon Wireless) On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Brandon Galbraith <> wrote: > Site appears up and available, over Comcast Business fiber and Cogent from > Chicago (using Chrome 28). > >