Firewall Appliance Suggestions

2011-06-30 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
Howdy, I am looking for something a little unique in a bit of a tough situation with some sticky requirements. First off, my requirements are a little weird and I can't bend them a whole lot due to stipulations being put on me. I am in need a firewall appliance which can be run

RE: Firewall Appliance Suggestions

2011-06-30 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
1 10:50 AM, Blake T. Pfankuch wrote: > Howdy, > I am looking for something a little unique in a bit of a > tough situation with some sticky requirements. First off, my requirements > are a little weird and I can't bend them a whole lot due to stipulations > be

RE: Firewall Appliance Suggestions

2011-06-30 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
and pfsense. Thanks you all for the on list and off list responses! -Original Message- From: Sargun Dhillon [] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:56 PM To: George Bonser Cc: Blake T. Pfankuch; NANOG ( Subject: Re: Firewall Appliance Suggestions

RE: DNS DoS ???

2011-07-29 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
I've seen this for the same on about 3 sets of nameservers I operate. fail2ban doing a 72 hour iptables drop rule. -Original Message- From: Drew Weaver [] Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 3:01 PM To: 'Elliot Finley'; Subject: RE: DNS DoS ??? We'v

RE: v4/v6 dns thoughts?

2011-08-09 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
I too agree the v4/v6 stuff is pointless and slightly annoying so I have been using same name with A/ records. -Original Message- From: Landon Stewart [] Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 6:16 PM To: Subject: Re: v4/v6 dns thoughts? On 9 Augu

RE: NANOGers home data centers - What's in your closet?

2011-08-14 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
I'm with this too, my house is much less complicated than it used to be. I have dual WAN (Comcast Business Class and cheap DLS as a failover), fed into my Cisco 3750 "core" switch. I have a Sonicwall NSA2400 as my primary Gateway from LAN, with a Secondary Gateway of my Cisco UC520 (mostly for

RE: Tampa small colo recs?

2011-09-04 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
I've managed a few servers from sago, they have a great network and quick support responses as needed. Hostway not had quite as good of responses from them, and some weird network issues. However that was a few years back. -Original Message- From: James P. Ashton [mailto:ja...@gitflori

RE: Anyone used Adtran NetVanta 1544?

2011-09-21 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
We use Adtran switches semi-frequently at work and I have a few pain points, but many good things about them. My biggest complaint is the availability of support if you need something from them. They operate under pseudo standard business hours which can be a deal breaker for some. Obviousl

RE: Synology Disk DS211J

2011-09-30 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
The easy way around the unhappy significant other/minion shaped offspring solution is to put all of the "end user" devices On a separate VLAN, and then treat that as an open DMZ. Then everything operational (ironic in a home) on your secured production network (restrict all outbound/inbound exc

RE: [outages] News item: Blackberry services down worldwide

2011-10-13 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
Agreed. Had a customer during the timeframe of this week ditch 90 blackberries for iPhone/android devices. He actually sent me a video after BES finished uninstalling and he shut the server down "so help me I'm never getting another one of these damn coasters." One user said when they got the

RE: [outages] News item: Blackberry services down worldwide

2011-10-13 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
many of you would agree. Regards, P. -Original Message- From: Blake T. Pfankuch [] Sent: 13 October 2011 14:08 To: Matthew Huff; 'Jamie Bowden'; 'Joe Abley' Cc: '' Subject: RE: [outages] News item: Blackberry service

RE: Severe Packet loss

2011-11-05 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
Understanding this is a little vague, I can say that I did see "weirdness" in connectivity from a datacenter in Seattle to LA, Dallas to LA and Amazon West US to Dallas, and Denver to Seattle about 2am to 3am MDT. If you could provide what carriers you are on, maybe we can compare notes? -

RE: XO blocking individual IP's

2011-11-07 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
Oh yes! Good lord I about went insane with this. I was working with a customer single homed to cBeyond. I spent 3 hours on the phone with cBeyond to figure out what was going on, it looks like a broken route. Come to find out it was an XO "security null". The engineer on the phone from cBey

RE: Firewalls - Ease of Use and Maintenance?

2011-11-08 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
As Hammer stated, you hit all the big ones. ASA's are a classic fallback because of the stability implied by the cisco name. Complaints about them tend to be cost on getting all the shiny bits attached to them (IDS, IPS, Content filtering). This coming from a Cisco partner. I am not a Netscr

RE: Comcast IPv6 Update

2011-11-09 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
This appears directed at the Home market. Any word on the Business Class market even as a /128? -Original Message- From: Brzozowski, John [] Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 9:33 AM To: NANOG Subject: Comcast IPv6 Update Update from http://www.

RE: AD and enforced password policies

2012-01-02 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
I would very much agree with this as far as the "user annoyance" side. We have had customers enforce 12 characters and complexity for all users, and you end up with sticky notes under the keyboard or other objects on the desk. I would also make sure to set a reasonable timeout to force a works

RE: SSL Certificates

2012-01-06 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
We have been using GoDaddy for quite some time as they offer good deals if you call them in and buy in bulk. Mind you we manage certs for about 50-100 customers as well. Haven't had any issues with them not being trusted on mobile devices except for old windows mobile 5 and early 6 devices.

RE: accessing multiple devices via a script

2012-01-15 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
I have been using PLINK (putty's lesser known sibling) scripts for some of our smaller customers to execute information gathering before a project in case of "excellent" documentation. I can usually whip up a script in a few minutes to get sh ru, sh ver and sh diag from 20 devices. Also been u

Fw: new message

2015-10-25 Thread Blake T . Pfankuch
Hey! New message, please read <> Blake T. Pfankuch

RE: IPv6 day fun is beginning!

2011-06-07 Thread Blake T. Pfankuch
Anyone with native v6 want to help me test my content? I don't have any v6 access from anything except a few dedicated servers yet. Off list response is fine :) -Original Message- From: TJ [] Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 6:32 PM To: NANOG Subject: Re: IPv6 day