Re: netflow in the core used for surveillance

2021-08-30 Thread Avi Freedman
Hi, all. Re: last week's thread on the Vice article - I can only speak for Kentik, and *we* don't resell or give 3rd party access to NetFlow data from our hundreds of customers. And never have. But there is definitely interest out there. We do get approached about it periodically and always sa


2016-05-26 Thread Avi Freedman
o get the data? Thanks, Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik

Re: Service Provider NetFlow Collectors

2018-12-31 Thread Avi Freedman
nyone would like to help us test the free tier in January. Thanks, Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik > Doesn't Kentik cost like $2000 a month minimum? > > > On Mon, Dec 31, 2018 at 11:57 AM Matthew Crocker > wrote: > > > +1 Kentik as well, DDoS, RTBH, Netflow. Cloud

Re: vFlow :: IPFIX, sFlow and Netflow collector

2017-05-16 Thread Avi Freedman
to do count and topN). And MemSQL can operate in that mode as well though I don't think that was how Mehrdad was showing it working with vFlow. But again you can't ever go 'back in time' for an ad hoc query with them so it's probably more interesting as an augment and offloader for most uses where you'd normally think of storing many billions or a few trillion flows. Happy flow-ing... Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik

Re: vFlow :: IPFIX, sFlow and Netflow collector

2017-05-16 Thread Avi Freedman
> "NANOG" wrote on 05/16/2017 03:34:39 PM: > Nice analysis of the current state of the art. Thanks; of DIY for store-all approaches, at least :) Commercial options is a different thread and I'm conflicted so shouldn't try to summarize those... > > And then, the biggest flow store I know of

Network nerd poker night 11/8 in Seattle

2017-11-07 Thread Avi Freedman
If there are any network+poker nerds in the Seattle area tomorrow, we have 5 seats left at a network nerd poker night I'm hosting tomorrow night. Attendees are from cloud, content provider, hosting, infra services, travel, and SaaS analytics industries. We'll have food, drinks, a training sess

Re: oss netflow collector/trending/analysis

2014-05-02 Thread Avi Freedman
There's also SiLK from CMU. It's powerful but has a learning curve. I also see pmacct being used both by some end networks and by some vendors as part of systems. Avi > Hey There, > > I was just wondering, for people who are doing netflow analysis with > open source tools and who are doing a

Re: Preferring peers over customers [was: Do Not Complicate Routing

2011-09-04 Thread Avi Freedman
Forgive my potential lack of understanding; perhaps BGP behavior has changed or the way people use it has but my understanding is - Since BGP is used in almost all circumstances in a mode where only the best path to a prefix can be re-advertised, only one of the peer or customer path can be used

Re: Cloudflare, and the 120Gbps DDOS "that almost broke the Internet"

2013-03-27 Thread Avi Freedman
An important question... I recall a peering panel at an ISPCON in 1996 when the current Peering Badguys, BBN, were represented by John, who listened to a ton of bitching for an hour about the unfairness of it all and said (paraphrasing)... "I understand you all have your opinions and desires bu

Re: DDOS, IDS, RTBH, and Rate limiting

2014-11-20 Thread Avi Freedman
ing PCAP-y stuff. But taps can be difficult or at least time consuming for people to put in at scale. Even, we've seen, for folks with 10G networks. Often because they can get 90% of what they need for 4 different business purposes from just flow :) > Best regards, > Denys Avi Freedman

Re: DDOS, IDS, RTBH, and Rate limiting

2014-11-22 Thread Avi Freedman
the issue is not with your providing the info about fastnetmon, its genesis, and what you see as the great use cases for it - more around the statements on flow as an unusable source of data for various purposes. Things seem to have died down around that though, which is good :) > --- > Best reg

Re: DDOS, IDS, RTBH, and Rate limiting

2014-11-22 Thread Avi Freedman
t one click. Sounds cool. You should write up that use case. Hopefully you've secured the metadata/command push channel well enough :) > Best regards, > Denys Avi Freedman| Your flow has something to show you; can you see it?| CEO, CloudHelix | (avi at cloudhelix dot com) | my name one word on skype |

Re: NetFlow - path from Routers to Collector

2015-09-01 Thread Avi Freedman
Looking at probably 100 networks' flow paths over the last year, I'd say 1 or 2 have OOB for flow. Maybe another 10-20 have interest in taking simpler time series data of top talkers over their OOB networks, but not the flow itself. Agree w Roland that it can cause problems with telemetry if the

Re: NetFlow - path from Routers to Collector

2015-09-01 Thread Avi Freedman
don't see anyone really sending flow over that kind of OOB network. > --- > Roland Dobbins Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik avi at kentik dot com

Re: NetFlow - path from Routers to Collector

2015-09-01 Thread Avi Freedman
ry to some other point on the Internet (so more for reaching a per-pop OOB than for making a coherent OOB network with a bunch of monitoring running 24x7). Still, it's a good value for what it is. > - Jared Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik avi at kentik dot com

Re: NetFlow - path from Routers to Collector

2015-09-01 Thread Avi Freedman
Agreed, we are as well :) VLAN, VRF, whatever. + optimal tweaks include local flow proxy that can also rate limit / re-sample, and send topk talkers over 'true' OOB. Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik avi at kentik dot com > On 2 Sep 2015, at 7:27, Avi Freedman wrote: > > >

Re: EyeBall View

2015-10-26 Thread Avi Freedman
eeing samples of packets across flows). Again, pointers to switches that have that capability and can run *nix apps would be appreciated :) Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik avi at kentik dot com

Re: sFlow vs netFlow/IPFIX

2016-02-28 Thread Avi Freedman
Re: limits - For Cisco/Juniper it's in the low hundreds of thousands of flows/sec per chipset/linecard for 1:1 NetFlow/IPFIX, I think. Then of course, as has been mentioned, you'll need to be able to send it and receive it to something - and store+query. Avi Freedman CEO, Kenti

Re: sFlow vs netFlow/IPFIX

2016-02-28 Thread Avi Freedman
he biggest purchase-able from Cisco or Juniper, but are used as the big-boy backbone and border routers by a good number of multi-terabit networks, and even some multi-tens-of-terabit networks. Good luck in your flow journeys. Avi Freedman CEO, Kentik

Re: [Paper] B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined

2013-08-17 Thread Avi Freedman
No, people never use *flow controllers* for anything. People have been doing SDN since before Google was around. OK, so it was horrible expect scripts but it worked. Avi > Unpossible. I heard that no one really uses sdn for anything. > > :) > > T

Re: [Paper] B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined

2013-08-17 Thread Avi Freedman
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Avi Freedman wrote: > > > No, people never use *flow controllers* for anything. > > > People have been doing SDN since before Google was around. > > OK, so it was horrible expect scripts but it worked. > > Not really. Note I

Re: community real-time BGP hijack notification service (fwd)

2008-09-12 Thread Avi Freedman
Hi, Arnaud. The design is to only watch the origin ASN, not the other ASNs in the path. Support for doing something with the transit portion wof the AS_PATH will be added, probably a very simple "alert if X is in there" or "alert if Y is not in there". As others have said it's imperfect so idea

Re: community real-time BGP hijack notification service

2008-09-12 Thread Avi Freedman
> Nathan wrote: > It is trivially easy for an attacker to falsify the origin AS. If 'they' are > not doing it already, then I'm quite surprised. > This isn't really a good thing to alarm on, in my opinion. Or, maybe it is, > but > there should be big bold text explaining that it's not reliable

Re: community real-time BGP hijack notification service

2008-09-12 Thread Avi Freedman
> Nathan wrote: > My best quick hack solution so far is to fire off a traceroute and make sure > that the traceroute gets ICMP TTL expire messages from IP addresses that are > in > prefixes originated from all the ASes in the ASPATH. > Still forgeable, but a bit more difficult.. still far from pe

Re: community real-time BGP hijack notification service

2008-09-12 Thread Avi Freedman
Hi Erik - There's a great button about Usenet - "Reading Usenet is like drinking from a firehose; Posting to Usenet is like shouting from a mountaintop; Archiving Usenet is like saving used toilet tissue." BGP may be somewhat more important, useful, and the results consumable in the short-ter

Re: community real-time BGP hijack notification service

2008-09-12 Thread Avi Freedman
Hmm, I'm trying to figure out the application here. You have single prefixes originated or originate-able by more than 5 or 6 ASs? I see - is it that you have, say a /16 with 13 potential ASs that might be seen as originating more specifics inside that /16? Hadn't considered that; we were envis