Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-03 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Jan 3, 2021, at 13:57, Michael Thomas wrote: > I just sent some mail to the myshakes folks at UCB asking if they have an > achitecture/network document. In their case for earthquakes it need to be > less than ~10 seconds so they are really pushing the limit. If they get back > to me, I'll s

Re: NDAA passed: Internet and Online Streaming Services Emergency Alert Study

2021-01-05 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
>> On Jan 3, 2021, at 13:57, Michael Thomas wrote: >> >>> I just sent some mail to the myshakes folks at UCB asking if they have an >>> achitecture/network document. In their case for earthquakes it need to be >>> less than ~10 seconds so they are really pushing the limit. If they get >>> back

Re: Half Fibre Pair

2021-01-26 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Jan 26, 2021, at 12:51, Rod Beck wrote: > > Can someone explain to me what is a half fibre pair? I took it literally to > mean a single fibre strand but someone insisted it was a large quantity of > spectrum. Please illuminate. On or off list as you please. Depending on the context it

Re: New minimum speed for US broadband connections

2021-05-28 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On May 28, 2021, at 15:41, Mike Lyon wrote: > > So, we up the minimum to 100 Mbps just because some areas are lucky enough to > have fiber? Fiber gets deployed to certain geographic areas because they’re lucky? This is definitely news to me! Next the telecom industry will be regulated as

Internet services in Antarctica

2020-01-20 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
Hi, I have a hobby project running DNS service to people looking for NTP public servers. I noticed that the DNS servers apparently get ~5 thousand queries per day from IPs that the GeoIP database we use claim are in in Antarctica. It’s less than 0.0001% of the overall DNS queries, but it made m

Re: "Permanent" DST

2022-03-16 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
This is a weirdly long thread, mostly unrelated to NANOG, it seems. The work for how this will be implemented in most of our computers happens on the TZ list by thoughtful people with lots and lots of experience on the subject: I believe the last change in the

Re: Google Speed Test

2023-01-03 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Jan 3, 2023, at 08:24, Mike Hammett wrote: > > I think this is why Netflix came out with , but > AFAIK, they're the only ones that have their own tool using their own > infrastructure. macOS have a built-in “networkQuality” command line tool (`man networkQuali

Re: NTP question

2019-05-01 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On May 1, 2019, at 12:22, Mehmet Akcin wrote: > > I am trying to buy a GPS based NTP server like this one > > > > but I will be placing this inside a data center, do these need an actual view > of a sky to be able to get signa

Re: NTP question

2019-05-01 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On May 1, 2019, at 16:53, Mel Beckman wrote: > > It’s hard to consider messing with signal converters and pricey > remotely-powered active antennas when you can solve the problem for $300. :) As I said, it really depends on your requirements and expectations. :-) For my “normal” use cases

Re: DNS Services for a registrar

2016-08-15 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Aug 11, 2016, at 22:56, Ryan Finnesey wrote: > > We need to provide DNS services for domains we offer as a registrar. > We were discussing internally the different options for the deployment. Does > anyone see a down side to using IaaS on AWS and Azure? No anycast. > We were also kickin

Re: Recent NTP pool traffic increase

2016-12-19 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Dec 15, 2016, at 14:45, Jose Gerardo Perales Soto > wrote: > > We've recently experienced a traffic increase on the NTP queries to NTP pool > project ( servers. One theory is that some service provider NTP > infraestructure failed approximately 2 days ago and traffic is now

Re: Recent NTP pool traffic increase (update)

2016-12-22 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
Hello, Those servers aren’t (and have never been) part of the NTP Pool - If they were you could remove them from the system and over the next hours, days and months the traffic would go away. We also have features to change the relative amount of clients you get (to

Re: Recent NTP pool traffic increase

2016-12-22 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Dec 20, 2016, at 8:02 PM, Harlan Stenn wrote: > >> On 12/20/16 7:27 PM, Laurent Dumont wrote: >> To be honest, the fact that NTP is still something managed by volunteers >> and not a regulated entity (a bit like DNS) is mind boggling. > > Time *is* managed by regulated entities - the Nation

Re: A Deep Dive on the Recent Widespread DNS Hijacking

2019-02-25 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Feb 24, 2019, at 22:03, Hank Nussbacher wrote: > > Did you have a CAA record defined and if not, why not? If the attacker got a CA to issue the cert because they changed the DNS server to be their own, a CAA record wouldn’t have helped (or at least been even easier to thwart than DNSSE

Re: TFTP over anycast

2024-02-23 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Feb 22, 2024, at 12:52, Thomas Mieslinger wrote: > > It becomes tricky for DHCP if a location has the same cost to more than > one anycast Node. For this case we have setup a DHCP nodes in two > datacenters using different local-preferences to simulate a failover > active/passive setup. Th

Re: TFTP over anycast

2024-02-23 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
> On Feb 23, 2024, at 20:32, William Herrin wrote: > >> The relay server `dhcplb` could, maybe, help in that scenario >> (dhcplb runs on the anycast IP, the “real” DHCP servers on >> unicast IPs behind dhcplb). > > Although they used the word "anycast", they're just load balancing. The idea i

Re: vyatta for bgp

2011-09-21 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:42, Ben Albee wrote: > Does anybody currently use vyatta as a bgp router for their company? If > so have you ran into any problems with using that instead of a cisco or > juniper router? We're using Vyatta for a handful of fast ethernet links to the internet, with I think

Re: Why are there no GeoDNS solutions anywhere in sight?

2013-04-11 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Mar 20, 2013, at 20:28, Constantine A. Murenin wrote: > [...] but what other alternatives could be configured in 5 or 15 minutes? You got a lot of answers telling you to not even try, and I don't know that you can configure any of them in 5 minutes. That being said there are lots of option

Re: SSL Certificates

2012-02-15 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Jan 6, 2012, at 6:15, Michael Carey wrote: > Looking for a recommendation on who to buy affordable and reputable SSL > certificates from? Symantec, Thawte, and Comodo are the names that come to > mind, just wondering if there are others folks use. Almost everyone are basically just selling a

Re: NTP Issues Today

2012-11-21 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Nov 20, 2012, at 13:00, Darius Jahandarie wrote: Hi everyone, I run the NTP Pool system - - so I have some opinions on some of this. :-) > But beyond that, I'm honestly rather curious what server selections > are a good idea. A first thought would be an adjacent co

Micro-allocation needed?

2010-06-21 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
Hi everyone, We're going to anycast a /24 for some DNS servers (and possibly another UDP based service)[1]. I see that ARIN are listing on the smallest allocations from each prefix. Will we have trouble getting a /24 announced if we take it from

Re: Micro-allocation needed?

2010-06-21 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Jun 21, 2010, at 23:34, William Pitcock wrote: > On Mon, 2010-06-21 at 23:32 +0200, Ask Bjørn Hansen wrote: >> Hi everyone, >> >> We're going to anycast a /24 for some DNS servers (and possibly another UDP >> based service)[1]. >> >> I see t

Re: Micro-allocation needed?

2010-06-21 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Jun 21, 2010, at 23:55, Joe Abley wrote: Everyone: Thanks for the replies regarding the /24 announcement from a "/20 allocated block". Yes, obviously the /20 announcement will handle the traffic, too. I'm a regular reader on NANOG and consistently impressed by the expertise on display and

Re: NTP Md5 or AutoKey?

2008-11-15 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Nov 4, 2008, at 3:11 AM, Glen Kent wrote: My original question got drowned amidst all this vibrant discussions! Do folks already use or plan to use Autokey for NTP? In my experience most people have a hard enough time remembering to run ntp at all (and with an even remotely sane configu

Re: Leap second tonight

2009-03-16 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Dec 31, 2008, at 15:28, Kevin Oberman wrote: We use CDMA clocks and last leap second it took weeks for all of the cell sites to adjust the last one. As a result, I have set all of our clocks for manual leap second and set them to adjust tonight at midnight (UTC).I'll take a look in about

IPv6 client adoption slowly going 3% (?)

2010-03-09 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
Hi everyone, I read the IPv4 address space thread and thought this might be of interest to the group: Some months ago I setup a small test to test if users browsing supported IPv6: http://www.v6test.develooper

Re: Internet Edge Router replacement - IPv6 route tablesizeconsiderations

2011-03-14 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Mar 11, 2011, at 11:22, Jeff Wheeler wrote: > I think there are a lot of people who throw around the SLAAC argument > like it's actually good for something. Do these people know what > SLAAC does? For core networks, it doesn't do anything. For > hosting/datacenter networks and cluster/VPS e

Re: Internet Edge Router replacement - IPv6 route tablesizeconsiderations

2011-03-14 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
is used to create the ipv6 > address, but not on others (e.g. windows 7). Sorry, I made the mail a bit too short I supposed. "Well controlled environment" in my case is a bunch of relatively homogeneous linux server systems ("plain" hardware and virtualized), a

Re: Cogent IPv6

2011-06-08 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
On Jun 8, 2011, at 6:51, Nick Olsen wrote: > I'm sure someone here is doing IPv6 peering with cogent. We've got a Gig > with them, So they don't do that dual peering thing with us. (They do it on > another 100Mb/s circuit we have... I despise it.) > Just kind of curious how they go about it. >

Re: Who is ?

2024-03-24 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen via NANOG
It’s not me and I don’t know about the specific project, but I think I can introduce you off-list (I know them as helpful-to-the-internet people). Ask > On Mar 24, 2024, at 11:34, John Levine wrote: > > I noticed them in my DNS logs, trying to do AXFRs of random zones I host. > The probes >