AT&T-twtelecom LA issue

2017-09-29 Thread Andrew Stern
bscribed peering, but what do I know? If anyone from att or twtelecom sees this, help! Andrew Stern, CBNE | Broadcast Engineer Cumulus Media San Francisco KFOG | KNBR | KSAN | KTCT | KGO | KSFO office: 415-995-5740<> 750 Battery St. | 2

Cogent-Comast packet loss in the SF Bay Area

2012-12-11 Thread Andrew Stern
Hello. We are seeing approx. 3% - 10% packet loss between a fixed address on the Cogent network and services on the Comcast network in the SF Bay Area. Are we alone in this? Andrew Stern, CBNT | Broadcast IT Engineer Cumulus Media San Francisco KFOG | KNBR | KSAN | KTCT | KGO | KSFO