Q+A With N92 Keynote Arista Networks' Hugh Holbrook + More

2024-08-22 Thread Nanog News
*Q+A With N92 Keynote Arista Networks' Hugh Holbrook* *Holbrook to Discuss "Networking for AI, HPC, and Ultra Ethernet"* "AI comes with its own unique challenges. The Ultra Ethernet Consortium is doing important work that will significantly impact the industry over the next several years." *READ

Github Peering

2024-08-22 Thread Elijah Zeida
I've sent messages to GitHub three times for a peering agreement and haven't gotten any response. They don't peer with the route servers at the IX we're at, and PeeringDB shows they have an "Open" peering policy.  Anyone have any advice? -- Elijah Zeida | AirBridge Broadband - Network Engineer

Re: Github Peering

2024-08-22 Thread Tim Burke
Dumb question, but what is the traffic volume you are receiving from them? I am probably beating a dead horse, but it seems like the larger content networks will ignore unless a significant amount of traffic to/from the ASN in question is riding over transit. Something like a few hundred megs o