Re: Let's Focus on Moving Forward Re: V6 still not supported

2022-05-25 Thread Abraham Y. Chen
Dear John: 0) The below message just popped up in my InBox. And, it appears that there has not been any follow-up comments. 1) How about have a look at our work, (URL below), in case you have not come across? We propose a very specific way of making use of the 240/4 netblock. There are a cou

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-05-25 Thread Kord Martin
I don’t think game manufacturers expand their games based on available download bandwidth. I think that games have gotten richer and the graphics environments and capabilities have improved and content more expansive to a point where yes, games are several BluRays worth of download

FW: [arin-announce] ARIN Community Grant Program Application Deadline Extended

2022-05-25 Thread John Sweeting
NANOGers - The ARIN Community Grant Program has extended the 2022 "call for applications” until 15 June. If you are aware of a non-commercial development or research project that could enhance Internet operations and might benefit from additional funding, please bring this opportunity to thei

Re: FYI - 2FA to be come mandatory for ARIN Online? (was: Fwd: [arin-announce] Consultation on Requiring Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for ARIN Online Accounts

2022-05-25 Thread Crist Clark
FIDO2. On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 1:32 PM Matt Harris wrote: > Matt Harris​ > | VP of Infrastructure > 816‑256‑5446 > | Direct > Looking for help? > *Helpdesk* > | *Email Support* > > We build customized end‑to‑end technology solutions powered by NetFire Cloud. > On Tue