RE: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Aaron Gould
I just heard from a Juniper sales person about the ACX5448 (code name ACX5k+ or ACX+ or something like that) and about (4) 100 gig ports... also, about another ACX5k variant that may have 25 gig (25 gig is something the linux server engineer I work with has been talking about in his next datacen

RE: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Luke Guillory
The presentation I saw listed the two, 5448 and ACX+ as different products. 5448 listed as Committed while the ACX+ was listed as Under Planning. They were also shown to be targeted at different markets, 1G/10G with 100G and 10G/25G/100G. ns -Original Message- From: NANOG [ma

RE: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Robert Jacobs
We are dropping these into our Metro network for pure layer 2 aggregation and 100 Gbs port density ... 32 100 Gig ports on single rack unit. Does support 4x 25 and 2x 50 on each interface Robert Jacobs | Network Architect & Director Dir

RE: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Aaron Gould
What does this include ? 17828 (part#) - X870 MPLS Feature Pack (product name) - ExtremeXOS X870 MPLS Feature Pack (firmware license) -Aaron

RE: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Aaron Gould
Thanks, I too saw a 7 page preso, but no mention of 25 gig. Which one had 25gig ? -Aaron

RE: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Luke Guillory
ACX+ 5448 seems to be the 48 port 1g/10g with 4x100g Presentation I'm talking about is a 69 pager from the 2017 Global Tech Summit. Luke Guillory Vice President – Technology and Innovation Tel:985.536.1212 Fax:985.536.0300 Email: Reserve Telecommunicatio

Re: 1/2u 100g Metro-E Aggregation Switch

2018-02-14 Thread Jürgen Jaritsch _License_Requirements.pdf Page 18 - AFAIK there wasn’t THAT huge change on features since 2014 … Best, JJ